Chapter 3: Isolation in the Anti-void

Start from the beginning

" Constantly tired and sleeping, who am I? Sans. " I joked, lightly chuckling at my own joke.

As I stared at the endlessly expanse of white above me I felt so small in comparison, like an Ant in comparison to a great big Elephant. I don't know if it was the loneliness or the silence, but despite the great expanse surrounding me... I felt claustrophobic.

The once very quiet beat of my heart in my chest grew to become louder and louder thumping in my ears. My body was stiffer than cardboard and every intake of air felt like I was trying to regain my breath after a marathon.

Whizzing through my head, my mind played over all of my moments with my family... with Mam, Dad and Riley all zoomed through my train of thoughts and the cold creeping feeling of doubt crawled on my back.

What if I've been going on some wild goose chase to find an exit that doesn't exist, that my desperation to find a way out of this place mixed with my time actually being here by myself has all been one big delusion that I blindly believed in order to protect my mind from going crazy?

Of course I'd fall for a self made delusion that I could ever get home, I wanted to believe that there was a way out, a way out to see both my Parents and Riley.

So staring back at the white before me, I couldn't find the motivation to walk; yet again as I slowly slid down and onto my backside.

I just kind of sat there, staring at the same white I had been staring at for however long I've actually been here.

If I ever get out of this place I just know that I'm going to have a big fear of being in plain white, completely empty rooms.

But that's if I can ever leave this place, which I highly doubt is physically possible. Afterall, I had walked in one direction for what I can assume were many, many hours but still couldn't see anything beyond the white horizon.


How long has it been? That's the question that my brain is currently trying to figure out, I'd say that the minimum of time that I've been stuck in the Anti-void is probably a few days while the maximum is a week or two.

Though, it's impossible to figure that out due to the unchanging environment of the Anti-void.

After figuring out that there is no real exit, I've just been trying to do anything that could stimulate me in any way. Out of the long list in my head, I've:

• Sung about over 50 songs because I was bored and wanted to hear my voice for a while.
• Reminisced on what might have happened where my family is, maybe they've found Riley and my body. Who knows, they might have even had a funeral for me while I'm just stuck here.
• Pondered over the science of how I have been in this place for so long but do not feel hungry nor thirsty, then there's how I can fall asleep while not being any more or less tired than before.
• Thought back to how far I was on Undertale before this entire fiasco occurred, but that's just made me feel frustrated because now I will never be able to finish that damned Genocide route.

So, I've been trying to keep myself busy in my attempt to stall the process of me going absolutely bonkers due to my prolonged isolation here in the Anti-void.

I'd say I've been doing pretty well, as well for a person who has spend quite a lot of time alone with absolutely no one to communicate with. At this point I'd gladly talk with Clara, my School Bully of 3 whole years, or even my Homopohobic, Christian R.E Teacher if it meant I wouldn't have to be stuck by myself for any longer.

Then that brings up another thing that's been bugging me, why am I alone here? If I'm going to be brought back from death then why am I just being left on my own with no explanation as to why I didn't die.

Because if something out there whether it be 'God' or whatever higher power it happens to be has the audacity to not let me rest in peace then that means that there's a reason why my death had been interfered with!

And if my death was purposefully interfered with, then what's the point of doing that if I'm just going to be stuck in this isolated void for what seems like an eternity?!

What's the point of me not being able to die from starvation if I'm just going to end up losing my own identity in my decent into insanity.

" How long do I have to wait before something happens? " I pondered to myself in a quiet mutter. " If something is going to happen then can it just happen already; I've been here for about a week or two, isn't that enough time?! " My voice grew lowder as I hissed out my thoughts through my grit teeth.

The silence that answered back taunted me, taunted me with the hope that I'd hear any voice at all to answer me.

I could feel myself simmer and boil with fury, my tightly clenched hands shook along with the whole of my quaking body.

My jaw was screwed closed tightly, the lump in my throat begging me to scream and shout. To let my anger out verbally, even if it was to be in the form of a scream reminiscent of the cries of a howling Banshee.

With no one around in my vicinity to stare or even judge me, I took in a long, shaky breath and held that in my lungs for a moment. Before releasing the loud roar-like scream from where it had been trapped in my throat.

I didn't stop screaming until I had no more air left in my lungs and was on the verge of asphyxiation.

And even seconds after I had ceased my screaming, it almost rung in my ear like an echo; almost as if the Anti-void I was stuck in decided to scream right back at me.

Gasping for air I suddenly froze, my breath was caught in my throat as a heavy feeling seemed to push down on my very soul itself. And for the very first time since appearing here, the temperature dropped and goosebumps crawled up my arms.

Perking up straight from where I was sat, I wondered whether I was starting to have audible hallucinations as I heard the sound of something wet and writhing, accompanied by the occasional drip that hit the ground.

There couldn't be something in here other than myself? Turning my head I followed where I could hear the sound came from, and found myself pausing.

My shoulders slumped down and I deflated, now sure of myself that I was right about being alone. Because how else could I explain what stood out in the bright white of the Anti-void I've been stuck in for this past week or so.

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