Part 2 The Argument

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One dark gloomy day they had a big argument
"James's! You have to have some sense! A lowly little house isn't going to keep his safe from you-know-who!"
"Oh and I suppose Hogwarts is!"
"Yes! It has the most powerful wizard if all time! If you-know-who ever comes, Albus will fight him and get rid of him!" Cried lily
"And risk a mans life as well as many others!"
That fight ended there because little Harry, as usual was hungry. Lily and James didn't talk for a week. Time was running out and soon James lost his patience.
"Mrs. Potter, I am taking the baby to the secluded house and you may come if you please."
She glared at James as she put on her coat,
" for your information I am taking Harry to Hogwarts." James did A thing that would never have been expected because he was gentle, he picked up lily threw her over his shoulder took the baby, threw her the car and locked it. Then he packed up their stuff, left magical robots looking like them in the house to trick Voldemort and give them more time. He opened the car door and drove to their new home.
Lily cried as she cradled the baby in her arms, Harry grabbed her thumb and cooed. She brought Harry close and whispered to him,
"I love you and you better know that, whatever happens I will love you and I'll keep you safe." She paused for a moment. " I promise."

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