Part 4 The Plan

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Lily and James exchanged glances, they were worried what might become of them if Voldemort was in that house. They didn't have much time to think though because as soon as the car stopped the death eater grabbed lily's arm and half dragged half walked here and James to the house.
"Now my pretty you are about to see someone that may shock you, but don't don't be shocked, he has been planning this for quite a while."
They walked in the room and lily gasped, there sat someone they would've never expected to see, wormtail. Lily gasped and James just stood there like he expected it all to happen. "Now" said wormtail Voldemort told me to tell you this
"In one years time your little boy Harry will be destroyed, by me, LORD VOLDEMORT".
"Hey boss hold of get rid of them"
"No just remove their memory, all but Harry's it be to much of a risk"
Lily and James woke up in the morning sure that something had happened , but they didn't seem to remember what. They went along with their day for exactly 364 days peacefully and calmly.

Behind The Scenes: Harry potterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz