"Is Dada be here?" He asks, his big blue eyes staring up at yours as you help him into his grey shorts.

"Um," You try and contain yourself. "I don't know if Dada's going to be here, honey."

"But I wan' Dada." He pouts. "I miss him."

You put a smile on your face, regardless of the tears forming in your eyes. "I miss him too. He'll come back soon, I'm sure."


"Ony!" Jamie exclaims excitedly as your dad picks him up. He can't really pronounce his T's properly either so he always skips that part out with people's names.

"Hey, little man!" Tony matches his energy. "Happy birthday!"

Since Bucky's been gone, you and Tony managed to put the rough past behind you and he took the role of being a temporary father figure for Jamie.

"How old are you?" Tony asks and Jamie puts up five fingers.

"One!" He squeals.

"That's not what your fingers say." Tony teases.

Right now, you're at the compound having a mini birthday party for Jamie. Of course, you would've liked it if he'd been here too but you figure you're just going to have to have enough fun for the both of you.

"Here you go." Yelena hands him a wad of cash and Natasha slaps her arm. "What?"

"It's a baby!" She hisses.

"So?" Yelena shrugs. "I worked hard for that money, he can use it to buy toys and stuff."

"Where the hell is my wallet?" Tony mutters feeling his pockets up.

"Don't tell me you stole from Tony again." Wanda chuckles.

"I need to use the bathroom." Yelena winces, standing up to leave the room.

You're never leaving your purse unattended with her in the room again.

"Sasa, up?" Jamie requests, standing in front of Natasha.

"You wanna go up?" She asks in a playful voice while picking him up from his armpits.

"Spin, spin!" He giggles.

Natasha spins around, her red hair flying around and Jamie squeals with joy, dribble going down his chin from his mouth being open too much.

"Alright, that's enough." Natasha recovers and sets him down on the ground.

Clearly, she forgot about the side effect of being spun around because as soon as she places Jamie on his feet, he drops straight onto the floor like a drunk man.

Nobody says anything for a minute but then you all start cheering for him as Bruce picks him back up.

A trick– always act happy when kids hurt themselves. That way they don't start overreacting and crying their eyes out.

"Well done!" You say, way too excitedly, as you straighten his outfit up.

"I fell?" He asks, giggling.

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