14. Return

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"JAMIE, get your ass back here!" You chase him around the mansion as he runs around in nothing but his diaper.

One year olds like him shouldn't be running around this early but his doctor made it known Jamie's development is always going to be a year early. So he's basically a 1 year old in a 2 year old's body.

He doesn't say anything, Jamie just giggles uncontrollably as he continues to use his strong legs to run throughout the house.

"I got him!" Peter calls out from the upper level and attaches one of his spider webs to Jamie's body, flinging him up towards Peter.

"Thanks." You tell him, catching your breath.

"Jamie, no more overworking mama." Peter says to him, holding Jamie on his hip while he rips the webs off of him.

"Akay." He smiles, showing off his two newly grown teeth.

You've decided to take the elevator upstairs instead of the steps because Jamie literally had you chasing him throughout the entire house and that kid is fast.

"C'mere." You take him from Peter and walk over to Jamie's bedroom.

Today's his first birthday and you have to admit, you woke up this morning in tears. Not because Jamie's growing up so fast but because Bucky isn't here to see his son grow up.

You were distraught when Tony came back from the mission with just Jamie and the dog tags. When you heard that Bucky gave his life up to save Jamie's, you couldn't express how conflicted you were. You love Bucky but you also love your son, you would've felt the same if it were the other way around.

There was no better option.

However, you still have hope that he's alive and not dead in a HYDRA facility somewhere.

"Dada?" Jamie points to the family photo up on his wall.

Even though he's grown up a lot without Bucky, he still hasn't forgotten him. You've made sure of that by showing him pictures and videos on your phone.

"Yeah, that's Dada." You respond, lifting Jamie up so that he can see Bucky properly.

You miss him.

Since you received the horrible news, you hadn't gone out to one club or hooked up with any other man, like you used to. From the first night you spent together, your body was only supposed to be touched by him. You couldn't bring yourself to let someone else please you the way that he did.

"Alright J, we gotta get–" You start.

"Where Blu?" He asks, his bottom lip sticking out.

See, 'Blu' is what Jamie calls his blanket– yes he still has it. Even though the blanket is very clearly green, he still has a little difficulty trying to differentiate blue and green.

"Blu is taking a bath." You grab one of his 'Winter Soldier' T-shirts and pull it over his head.

This is probably his favourite shirts to wear. It's just a black shirt with the left side sleeve coloured grey and a red star but Jamie thinks its the best shirt in the world because it's 'Dada'.

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