"Talk to her" she mumbled and Nijah nodded.

She slowly walked over as they lowered the caskets in the ground.

"Long Live Tootie and Ace!" Somebody shouted.

"Long live Tootie and Ace" she heard the girl mumbled.

"Long live my baby and her daddy" Nijah said shaking her head.

She never thought she would be saying that.

The girl looked up at Nijah and when Nijah looked at her she tried to look away.

"I'm really sorry" Nijah said and the girl looked up.

"I didn't even get to tell him" she said started crying and Nijah frowned.


She stopped talking and wrapped her arms around the girl.

She seemed so much younger.

"Is this your first baby" she asked and the girl nodded. "Come sit" she mumbled walking towards the table.

"How old are you, how long were you and Ace talking for" Nijah asked

"No me and Ace were together for about 6, 7months and Im 20" she said making Nijah nod.

She lowkey felt some type of way that they knew nothing about eachother. She thought Ace would tell her about someone he was dealing with, especially if they were around Tootie

"I know you don't know me, and I know Ace meant a lot to you , if you ever need anything let me know , i got you forreal" she said wiping her tears.

"You know what you having?" She sniffed.

"A little boy, I have nothing for him, I don't know how to be a mother to him and everything Ace owned goes to Tootie , and you're her mother so it goes to you now , his car , his house , everything in it I don't have anything" she said and Nijah shook her head.

"No you can have it , forreal y'all have it" she grabbed her hands.

"Ace wouldn't want me having his things" Nijah laughed a little.

"Here's my number, I have to get going I can't be here much longer" Nijah stood up and sighed before giving her the number.

She walked over to Dee and hugged him.

"I love you so much, but I can't do it anymore" she mumbled the last part.

"I love you" he kissed her forehead.

"Dee somebody need a drug test or something" she mumbled handing him the plastic cup with her pee in it.

If they did , she hope they knew they were going to fail because ever since her baby been gone that's the only thing she been doing ms

"Why?" He asked as she washed her hands.

"It's my pee" she mumbled rubbing her stomach.

She couldn't even remember the last time she ate and her stomach was cramping and growling.

"I just need it" he said and she shrugged.

"You're weird" she laughed kissing him.

"I love you" she paused. "Goodbye" she looked him in his eyes and he frowned.

"I'll see you later alright?" He looked at her and she looked at her feet.

"Alright?" he asked again and she nodded.

"Okay" she mumbled watching him leave out of the room.

She went to her bathroom and closed the door and locked it.

She sat on the bathroom floor and locked it.

She let out a deep sigh and looked in her medicine cabinet.

"Hm" she looked at the razor blades and took the box.

Her eyes started watering as she grabbed a blade and sat back on the floor and started crying.

15 minutes went by and she pulled herself together before the door knob started shaking.

"Oh my god" she mumbled quickly trying to put everything up.

The door opened up and her and Dee made eye contact with eachother.

"Nijah what are you doing?" He squinted his eyes at her.

"It's not- I don't even know" he eyes started watering.

"Demari I don't want to be here, I have no reason to be here" she stood up and looked at him.

"But you do! So it's just fuck me huh?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No, it's not" she started crying.

"That's what you're saying when you do shit like this, fuck me , G , NuNu , yo moms , everybody" he yelled and she shook her head.

"I'm not, I'll be better off dead don't nobody need me here" she cried.

"I need you, our baby needs you" he softened his voice and she looked at him.

"What baby, we don't-

"Nijah" he mumbled handing her a box.

She looked at him and he shrugged before walking out of the bathroom.

She opened the box and it was three positive pregnancy tests.

She felt her breath get caught in her throat and started to walked out of the bathroom.

She want mentally ready for another baby.

"Demari" she mumbled sitting next to him on the bed.

"I'm sorry" she broke down.

"You don't have to keep saying sorry, I understand everyone is going through so much right now" he mumbled clearing his throat.

"Just have to do what we gotta do" he said and she nodded wiping her tears.


y'all period i finished tf outta this book but don't delete it out y'all's library because ima do a bonus chapter if im feeling nice 😉

so did you guys like it ??? personally i don't like this book as much but I kinda think i outdid myself these last few chapters , thanks for all the support on this book a break from it was really all I needed .

oh yea and don't forget to go read lovers n friends get active on that mf its dryyyyy asab ,, like always i love you guys and farewellllll !! 💓💓

#longlivetootie 💔 #longliveace 💔 #longlivethemarshalls 💔 #longliveaceFirstSon 🤭

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