Chapter 12: Can't hold back with you

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When you got home, you checked your phone again to see if Oikawa texted you at all, but still nothing.

You wondered if you should even bother to send him another text to see if he was alright, but you didn't want to seem creepy and needy to always text him. You closed your messaging app and opened instagram to see what's going on with your friends.

The first thing you saw was a picture of Kai wearing just a bikini in the mirror, a little part of you already knew why she posted it, but you didn't want to be the one to assume such things... even though it was blatantly obvious.

You scrolled more and you felt your heart sink a little at the sight of Ayu's post. It was your old volleyball team and they all seemed so happy in the pictures. You immediately went to comment.

'Miss you girls so much!'

As you scrolled back up seeing as the rest were just pretty boring posts your eyes found Oikawa's profile picture there and saw that he had posted a story. When you clicked on it you smiled to yourself seeing that it was a picture of his nephew sitting at his feet holding the ice pack and smiling with all of his... well he had a lot of missing teeth but it was still so cute. You read the little caption and smiled even wider.

'Best recovery buddy a man can ever ask for.

You closed your phone right away though feeling a little weird about how long you were staring at the photo.

To be honest, you felt a little weird about how much you cared about him already. It's not like you guys were anything, I mean you both kissed and made out a little, but nothing more than that. You guys haven't even talked about how serious you guys were yet... even worse you realized that you guys barely know each other, and you already feel this way?

As you let your phone sit on your chest, you felt it vibrate against you twice and looked to see who it was. Your stomach turned when you realized it was Oikawa who finally texted you back. You contemplated a bit if you should answer right away or not.

You looked at the message and then decided whether or not you should reply right away.

Oikawa: Guess who's out for a couple of days?

Oikawa: I'll give you a hint, he's a great kisser ;)

You rolled your eyes at the last message but couldn't hold back from giggling either, but it made it easier for you to decide when to answer.

You: Hmm??? I don't know, give me a hint

You right away saw the message bubbles come up and you couldn't hold back your smile, knowing your response probably bugged him.

Oikawa: Funny -__-

You: How's your ankle?

Oikawa: It's okay, it's just a small sprain, I just need to rest it for a bit.

You: Thank god, the boys would be lost without you.

Oikawa: Kind of like how the girls would be if you ever got hurt.

You: No way! Don't say that

Oikawa: Sorry for speaking the truth!!

Oikawa: What are you doing after practice tomorrow?

Your heart immediately began to race as you read that message.

You: Probably just gunna head home, why?

Oikawa: Wanna do something?

You: Yeah! I'm down, what do you want to do??

Oikawa: Not sure yet, just meet me after practice tomorrow :)

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