Chapter 11: Hinata

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"Hey... Nice to meet you." You smiled awkwardly at the over enthusiastic kid. "You're from Karasuno?"

"Yeah!" He smiled, jumping up from his spot. He now stood in front of you. "Is the boys team good?! Can you give me any pointers to beat them?!" He was practically shaking in place.

Why would he ask for pointers?

It wasn't like you would give him any... right?


Why are you speaking?!

"Well, I don't think it's a good idea for me to tell you..." It was weird, something about him made you want to tell him, but you couldn't figure out why... "But I guess my number one tip for you would be to watch for their setter."

"Their setter?" He now stood and you joined him, seeing as the bus was coming. "Is he good?"

"Yeah, I would say he's good." You blushed, thinking about Oikawa now.

Shit, what has this boy done to you?

"Any other tips?"

"No, I can't really think of others." You shrugged as you followed him on the bus. As you both sat you tried to look out the window, but you could feel the boys stare on you. It was weird, there was a little part of you that saw this red head like Kenma, obviously not personality wise, but just like a little cousin vibe coming off of him.

You finally remembered that Kenma stayed longer cause he had a practice match against Karasuno, maybe he met him.

"Did you play against Nekoma not too long ago?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck, nervously.

"Yeah! How did you know?" He raised a brow to you.

"Uh- my cousin plays for them." You smiled to yourself.

"Really! Who?!" You looked around now, a little worried at how much his loud voice was drawing attention.

"Kenma, he has-"

"OH KENMA!!" You almost put your hand to his mouth because of how loud he screamed it. "We're good friends now!" His cheeks flushed as he began to dig in his bag. He pulled out his phone and showed you texts between Kenma and him.

Although Kenmas responses were dry and short, you were genuinely surprised that Kenma even gave his number to someone other than his family and volleyball team. It brought a smile to your face.

"Yeah." You smiled at Hinata. "That's my cousin."

"I wish he talked more." Hinata said, putting his phone back in his bag.

"That's Kenma for you, he was always like that." You assured him. "But if it makes you feel any better he texts you back more than he texts me... and I'm family." You giggled as he looked excited by this.

You stood up seeing as your stop was next. "Well it was nice meeting you, hopefully I'll see you around again." You said waving as you made your way to the door to get off of the bus.

"Yeah! See you around!" He waved back as you got off of the bus.

You smiled as the bus went by and Hinata was still waving and smiling at you.

When you got home, you threw yourself on the bed, your eyes locked on your ceiling and just the thought of your entire day with Oikawa played over and over in your head. 

You brought the collar of his shirt up to your nose, taking a deep breath in as you smelled him on you. Your smile grew bigger without even trying to.

A Setters Love (Oikawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now