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I am having a hard time moving on from my past relationship. It was very complex but I understand that giving myself time and getting surrounded with positivity is the only solution. This was on the day of our anniversary.

Date: 9th of October, 2021


How's life going on? I hope and sincerely wish you are happy. Not only in that smiley smiley context but the genuine satisfaction that comes from within.

Hope you are bagging all those certificates at college! You used to recite excellent. I still have that recitation in my phone's media file, I guess. I was impressed back then and I still continue to be.

That reminds me. Did you get into an internship or something? I remember you being enthusiastic to start working.

Sorry... I had hesitantly visited your fanacc. Your dance video was perfect. And to be honest, nothing else is expected from you, Ms. Perfectionist.

If you ask about me, life has been pretty uneventful since you decided to tread your path without me. It's okay, actually. We shouldn't force anyone to stay. You know, I am thinking of making video trailers for my books. Stressful, I know. But that's life.

I miss your presence in my life. A lot. You were my rainbow in my darkest of days. I won't stop ever to say on the top of my lungs that I miss you and definitely still love you.


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