ix. Nightmare

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A KNOCK ON the door a few hours later startled Yuri out of her nap, her body jolting as she felt the open book on her chest slip off of her from the force. The knocking repeated over and over, its noise getting louder as she groaned and climbed off the couch.

Stomping over to her front door, she took a glance at her clock, furrowing her eyebrows as it was well past midnight. Who would knock on her door this late?

Swinging the door open, Yuri widened her eyes a bit as she saw Taehyung standing on her doormat, with tear-stained cheeks and messy hair. He was panting, as if he had just ran over there. The gray set of pajamas he didn't bother changing out of proved that he had recently woken up, given the additional bags underneath his eyes.

"Taehyung? Is everything alright?" she asked in worry, opening the door wider to let him in. Instead, Taehyung quickly wrapped his arms around her body, engulfing her into a tight hug as he sobbed into her shoulder. Yuri slowly pushed the door closed before hugging him back, her eyebrows stitched in confusion as her heart ached a bit at the sound of his sobs. Something terrible must have happened, considering Taehyung wasn't much of a crier and the fact that he barely ever went to her house.

"Come on, explain what is wrong to me over some tea," she whispered to him, feeling him slightly nod as his sobbing subsided. He pulled away, wiping his tears before following her toward the kitchen. He took a seat on a bar stool as she went to make tea in the kitchen, occasionally glancing toward Taehyung.

"I-I'm sorry if I woke you up, I-I know it's late, but..." he sniffed, his hands stuttering in the air.

"Don't worry, Taehyung," she reassured him as she poured some of her pre-made tea into two mugs. She gently set one down in front of him before taking a seat on the bar stool beside him, taking a sip of her tea. "Now, tell me what is wrong."

"I-I had a dream," Taehyung mumbled as he reached for the mug, his long shaky fingers wrapping around it as he pulled it closer to him. "More of a nightmare. Jimin and I were getting married," he sniffed, closing his eyes as if to recall the dream. "But when he was supposed to say, 'I do,' he attacked me," his voice broke as a few tears spilled out of his eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked softly.

"He yelled at me, laughed at me. For being a Roamer," he bit his lip to suppress his sobs. "He hated me so much. W-What if it's like that in real life? What if he won't accept me for being a Roamer?"

"You have not told him?" Yuri raised her eyebrows a bit as she watched Taehyung slowly sip his tea.

"How could I?" he scoffed. "It's not something I can just bring up in casual conversation! 'Oh, hey, Jimin, I should probably mention that I'm a 52 year-old Roamer before you fall in love with me and someday have children with me.'"

"Taehyung," she sighed. "Of course he will accept you. If he truly loves you, that will not matter to him."

"Of course it matters. It matters to everyone. People hate us, Yuri, it's always been like that. They've been taught to think that way since they were born. What if Jimin is one of these people?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows at her.

"You do not know that, Taehyung. And so what if it matters to anyone? Just because we're Roamers does not mean we don't deserve to be loved," she stated, causing his face to suddenly fall at her words. She had simply restated what she had read in Hoseok's book, a piece of information that had resonated with her the most.

A tear fell down Taehyung's cheek as he looked down on his hands, deep in thought as he processed her words. He knew it was true. He had waited for this long to find someone, and even if he didn't know if Jimin was his soulmate, he didn't care. He loved him, and not a single thing was going to stop him from doing just that.

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