Forgotten Memories

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"Y/N, you have to pay attention," the modeling instructor dammed.

Y/N had a modeling appointment today while Hyunjin had extra practice. "Sorry," Y/N mumbles and pushes shoulders back.

This time with Hyunjin, there was very little stress. The two weren't always together so there were not as many rumors as last time. Having their separate time gave them the ability to focus on their solo careers and Y/N's studies.


"Hello, beautiful," Hyunjin smiles as Y/N steps out of the modeling building.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Y/N asked. Hyunjin hadn't told her about his arrival earlier.

Hyunjin wraps his arms around Y/N for a moment and pulls away, they were in public this time. "I came to pick you up," Hyunjin explains, "do you have anything after this?"

Y/N sighs, "I have a class today in two hours."

"Do you want to go get something to eat before your classes?" Hyunjin asks.

Y/N shuffles. Her hand tugs on her bag. "I don't think it's a good idea, we've been together a lot lately," she mumbles.

She was right, Hyunjin noted. It was bad for the two to be in public together too often. Just sneaking around each other's complex's felt scandalous.

Hyunjin hated being separated while he didn't have anything going on. "Can I at least drive you there?" Hyunjin asks. As long as he could spend a little bit of time with Y/N, he would be complete.

"Of course," Y/N smiles, "we just have to limit going to each other's places and lunch."

After Kingdom, Y/N would be with Hyunjin for two weeks. They'd be able to sit on the patio without worrying about accusations. Everyone in Stray Kids had agreed to bring Y/N, Felix was the one who came up with the idea.

"After tomorrow, I'll be really busy getting ready for Kingdom," Hyunjin sighs.

Y/N nods her head, "I thought you'd be busy, do you want to invite Felix to go out tomorrow? Maybe lunch and the mall."

Hyunjin smiles and opens the car door for Y/N. "Of course, it's too bad we can't spend the day alone though."

"This time, you're not allowed to buy me anything," Y/N beams, "I'll keep my eyes on you."

It was different now that they were actually dating. Hyunjin spent a lot of money on Y/N the last time they went to the mall, this time he'd spend maybe more. Y/N deserved every bit of gifts Hyunjin could get her. She worked hard to maintain her lifestyle and her excellent grades.

"If you say so, get in," Hyunjin laughs.

Hyunjin's smile was always bright, filled with joy when he was with Y/N. It was the most perfect thing she had seen in her life. She regretted ever making it disappear, even for a short while.

Y/N never told Hyunjin about the hateful things that were said to her during their break, nor her mental health. He didn't deserve to see her weaker side, he deserved the side that would make him happy. Between threats and sarcastic remarks during the break, Y/N was never able to keep her head above her shoulders.

"You look very beautiful today," Hyunjin compliments as Y/N places her bag in the backseat. Her eyes shimmered in the sunlight beaming through the windshield.

Everything about Y/N made Hyunjin smile. She was too perfect for him. He could only help but wonder what the break had been for her. It was hard on him, but he could only imagine how Y/N felt, he knew she blamed herself for all of the mishaps, but it wasn't her fault.

"Thank you, baby," a small blush rises in Y/N's cheeks. She never called Hyunjin many cute nicknames, it was mostly his name.

Hyunjin looks out the window and starts the car. He avoided eye contact until he calmed down and the blush left his face.

The two were a nervous and awkward couple. From best friends, to one sided enemies then to dating. "Do you remember that time you first broke my heart after I moved to Korea?" Y/N laughs. It was one of the first occurrences that drove her to hate Hyunjin.

"Stop," Hyunjin laughs, "you'll never let me forget that."

Hyunjin's eyes sparkled with memories. Sweet memories of him with Y/N and Felix before misplaced moments occurred. He never meant to hurt her in the past, they were only little. "Felix couldn't figure out who to go with too," Y/N remembers.

Felix would go back and forth hating the pair. He eventually gave up and focused on himself after a few years. "He told us we would eventually get along in the future," Hyunjin smiles and takes Y/N's hand into his.

Y/N's hand sat on the center console as Hyunjin drove, his hand occasionally leaving hers on turns. The two brought up forgotten memories while they sat through the car ride. Felix would be happy to see them now. They were finally understanding what each other saw as teenagers.

The car abruptly stopped as they arrived outside of the large building in front of them. "I don't want you to leave," Hyunjin whines. He reaches over the center console and wraps his arms around Y/N. "You're not allowed to leave until I say so."

"Stop being a drama queen," Y/N giggles, "it's only three hours long today."

Her lips meet Hyunjin's head as he hugs her. "That's three hours too long," Hyunjin looks up at her and kisses her.

"What would Lee Know say to you right now?" Y/N remarks.

Hyunjin retreats back into his seat. "Go to your lecture, now," he scolds.

Y/N laughs and grabs her bag out of the backseat, "three hours, okay?"

"Yes, beautiful," Hyunjin reaches over and kisses Y/N before she steps out of the car.

Hyunjin watched as Y/N walks to the building. He was more than proud of her for working so hard. She went to a modeling school along with her social media being so highly popular. Y/N had the perfect walk of a model, she learned everything she needed to. Her body was always tired from working and classes but she still maintained a good posture and walk.

Y/N enters the large glass doors, waving to Hyunjin as she steps in. She knew Hyunjin would always make sure she gets somewhere safely, even a small walk.

The trip after Kingdom was the perfect time for the pair. Time alone with the exception of Stray Kids. It didn't matter to Y/N where the vacation was, as long as she was able to spend time with Hyunjin and everyone else. The dating ban was partially raised for Y/N. Ever since Hyunjin debuted into Stray Kids, Y/N would always be the favored girlfriend for him.

Everyone in Stray Kids knew about the spark between Hyunjin and Y/N, before the couple even accepted it. The groups made bets on when it would happen, especially Felix. They all saw how Hyunjin looked at Y/N when she would visit Felix, they all knew. It was their secret they'd never tell Y/N and Hyunjin.

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