Mall Gifts

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Y/N stepped out of the bathroom with her ripped jeans and fancy top. Hyunjin admired the way she walked, every step was perfect without any trouble.

"Why are you two still here?" Y/N scolds.

Hyunjin shuffles as Felix speaks up, "finish your food then hang out with us."

Y/N sighs and steps up to Hyunjin, his eyes tried to avoid hers. "You guys can share it, I'm not hungry," she says and seats herself beside Hyunjin.

"Are you sure, Y/N?" Hyunjin asks.

Felix pats Y/N on the head, "I'll get you dinner tonight, then."

Hyunjin smiled and moved over so Y/N would have enough room to sit comfortably. Y/N takes out the laptop and connects to the restaurant wifi. Hyunjin eyed the photos when Y/N took out her camera. Her smile lit up the pictures like they always did on her socials. A photo caught his eye, it was special and different from the others. Y/N was standing under the tree the photos were taken at, her hair and dress flowing in the wind from earlier, her face lit up with a genuine smile.

"That one is really good," Hyunjin blurts. He didn't mean to say anything about the beauty.

Y/N side glances over to Hyunjin, a small smile tugging on her lips, her face resisting a light red. "Thank you," she says as she hides the camera from his eyesight.

"So do you guys want to go to the mall or movies?" Felix asks.

It was awkward for Felix, the tension between Hyunjin and Y/N was never ending.

"The mall would be nice," Y/N replies, "my favorite brand released a new collection yesterday so I haven't been able to go yet."

Hyunjin smiles and takes a bite of the food. "Then it's decided, we go wherever Y/N wants to," he says after the food was swallowed.

A complimenting red fills Y/N's cheeks. Hyunjin could be a pain sometimes but he always seemed to have a soft spot for Y/N.

Y/N steps through the mall doors with elegance. A few pairs of eyes stared at her beauty. Hyunjin glared at anyone who dared to stare at her, she was his and that was final.

"I'm going to look around here to see the new collection," Y/N stops in front of an expensive store.

The store must've been the one Y/N was talking about earlier. The front mannequins were dressed with style similar to hers. To be fair, whatever clothes she wore always happened to fit her style, but this one in particular always made her stand out.

"I'll go too, I need something new," Hyunjin lies. He only wanted to be with Y/N.

Felix nods and continues walking to a different store. He only agreed to come here since it was a way of getting Y/N and Hyunjin to socialize.

Y/N browsed through the newest collection. "Doesn't this look nice?" She asked Hyunjin as she held up a shirt.

"It looks good, it would match the jeans you have on now," Hyunjin replies. The shirt looked perfect for her.

Y/N looks around for a price tag, "ouch."

Even though the price was high, Y/N dangled the shirt on her arm. Hyunjin eyed the price tag, how could she spend so much with her income? Hyunjin reminded himself of her following on socials, it was a fair amount.

Y/N wasn't able to get much as she put away a few items after thinking of what she really wanted. "These shoes were so cute too," Y/N says, "they'd look good on you too, I guess."

The girl tried her best to hide her crush. "Yeah they are pretty cute," Hyunjin replies, "they're your size right?"

Y/N nods, "I just can't afford them."

A smile threatens Hyunjin's lips as he looks at the size of the shoes. He lies and says he would get them since they were cool, along with a few other items Y/N liked.

"You see that girl over there?" Hyunjin whispers to the cashier, "I'm getting these for her, she cannot see what I'm buying."

Y/N looks over at the cashier smiling at her, along with Hyunjin. The two whispered as the items were discreetly scanned.

Once Y/N was done getting everything together she decides on paying. "Your boyfriend sure is sweet," the cashier smiles.

"Oh, No, we're not together," Y/N replies.

"My apologies, your total comes to xxxxxx won, today," the cashier turns the card reader to Y/N.

"Thank you," Y/N smiles after paying and grabs her bag.

Hyunjin stood outside of the store with the bag tight by his side. "Ready to go?" Hyunjin asks.

"Sure," Y/N huffs, "what did you get?"

Hyunjin was acting different, he was hiding what he bought and talking to the cashier in a way to make it seem like they were dating.

"Just some street clothes, nothing special," Hyunjin lies.

Felix smiled from a distance, his idea worked. He already knew what Hyunjin had done, the two were finally talking again. Y/N and Hyunjin didn't notice it but the way they looked at each other explained everything. They both wanted each other.

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