Studio Floors

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Hyunjin slowly opens his eyes. The girl of his dreams was right in front of him sleeping peacefully. Y/N's hair draped over her face as she slept. Hyunjin takes a hand and pushes the strand of hair back behind her ear.

The day before today had been a bundle of emotions for Y/N, she passed out from crying the night before. Felix had spoken to her as well after he got mad with Hyunjin.

Felix and Hyunjin had always been great friends, but the way Felix had talked with Y/N crossed the line. It was a good reason for Felix to feel that way, especially for the whole stray kids, but the way he acted wasn't right for Y/N.

"Hyunjin?" Y/N mumbles, her eyes were still peacefully closed.

Hyunjin looks back at Y/N, "how did you sleep?"

Y/N's eyes slowly flutter open, looking immediately at Hyunjin. "I forgot I was here half way through the night," she smiles, "I freaked out then I felt really stupid."

A smile forms on Hyunjin's face. He remembers hearing her wake up but he was barely awake himself. "You're adorable, do you want breakfast?" He asks.

Y/N reaches for her phone to check the time. "Yes, I love your cooking," she replies. "Felix is more mad than last night."

"What's he mad about now?" Hyunjin groans.

Y/N reads the texts, "he said stuff about me staying the night and not to do anything bad but he said it a little more aggressive."

"Shit!" Hyunjin swears, "I'm sorry we have to go, I'll drop you off at your place, we have practice today!"

Hyunjin jumps out of the bed. He picks a good outfit for practice and runs into the bathroom. Y/N takes her time to smile at Hyunjin rushing. She picks an extra outfit that had been packed for the day before during her modeling appointment.

Y/N waits outside of the door to change after Hyunjin. He rushes out of the door and places his lips on his forehead, "I'm sorry, please be quick."

"It's okay, I'll make sure I take my sweet time," Y/N jokes before rushing into the bathroom before Hyunjin scolded her.

Y/N had no time to reflect on herself, she didn't want Hyunjin to be late because of her.

"I'm ready!" Y/N yells as she steps out of the bathroom.

Hyunjin shoves won in her hand, "if you go out later make sure you get something to eat."

"But-" Hyunjin cuts Y/N off with a kiss. It was almost impossible to break that habit now, he would only have to be careful doing so.


"Hyunjin, you're here, finally," Bangchan booms.

Hyunjin throws his stuff aside on one of the benches and fixes his hair. "Sorry, my alarms didn't go off," Hyunjin lies.

Felix hops his way over to Hyunjin. "I didn't mean to be so aggressive, but do you see what I really meant by her needing to go home?" Felix whispers.

"Yeah," Hyunjin pats Felix's shoulder and steps beside him, "she couldn't stay awake because of how you talked to her though."

Felix turns his eyes to the floor. He considered how aggressive he had been the previous night. "Let's move past it, I'll take you and Y/N out to get food together if we're not tired after."

Hyunjin nods his head, "sure."

It wasn't good for Y/N to be seen with only Hyunjin every day, but with Felix it could calm down the media. Having a friend to accompany Hyunjin with Y/N would be the best idea.

My favorite Idol || Hyunjin Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora