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"Don't look back to the past. Think of the present and how you can keep on moving forward."

Yamamura Setsuko is Trigger's Yaotome Gaku's little sister, though that information is discreet and only a few people know it. She's currently a college student studying to be a fashion designer.

Vital Statistics

Age: 18

Likes: Soba, dark chocolate, handmade gifts

Dislikes: people that take advantage of her connection to Gaku

Birthday: August 20

Height: (170 cm) 5'8"

Relatives: Yaotome Gaku (older brother)

                Yaotome Sousuke (father)

Setsuko is a straightforward person and doesn't hesitate to speak what's on her mind, though she is careful not to hurt the feelings of other people. Oozing with sex appeal made her a popular person to her university is regarded as one of the sexiest people that can attract any gender. Despite her brash mouth and blunt personality, she is still well-liked by her peers and envied at the same time. A lot of people from her university would say that she has a striking resemblance to Yaotome Gaku and she would immediately deny her relations with him, as she doesn't want to be involved in the entertainment industry and to avoid people who get close to her because she is a relative of a popular idol.

She's close to Trigger as Gaku would invite her on their free time to hangout with them and she is close friends to Tenn, as they shared the same sentiment regarding their brothers. Ryuu would also be like a second brother to her as he is a kind and understanding guy and would teach her a lot about cooking and alcohol. She is also close to Idolish7, as she would frequently deliver soba to them.


-She's tall than most girls her age and if she were to dress as a male, she can pass off as Gaku, despite her long hair.

-Anesagi would say that she is like a female duplicate with Gaku as they share the same features and personalities, though Tenn would prefer Setsuko over Gaku when it comes to personality and attitude.

-She's the type that can say embarrassing words with a straight face.

-She has an eye for beauty, as noted by some people (e.g. Iori, Tenn, Gaku, Momo and Anesagi).

-She also likes soba and cooking and has been helping out on their maternal grandparents' soba restaurant when she has free time.

-She's from a divorced family and she and her brother were separated. She stayed to her mother side while Gaku stayed to their father side.

-She used to call Gaku "nii-chan" when they were younger but after knowing he was always pressured by their father, she blamed herself because Gaku was the one who decided to go to their father's side and endured so she can have a normal life. She thought she didn't deserve to call him "nii-chan" and called him "aniki" instead.

-But after talking it over with him (With a push from Tenn, Ryuu and Idolish7), she would call him nii-chan from time to time.

-She is currently a college student studying fashion designing. Momo loved her designs and have been asking her multiple times to join their and be their designer. She has given it some thought and still thinking about it.

-Close friends with Tsumugi on their second year in high school before transferring to another school due to an incident. It was when her classmates knew her connection to Gaku and tried to be friends with her so they can meet the idol to the point she felt suffocated and transferred. It was not until IDOLiSH7 recently debuted where they met again and exchanged contacts.

-She hates it if people pretend to be close to her just so they can mooch her off if they knew she's a relative of Yaotome Gaku. That's why she's discreet about this in college and additionally, it is tiring to explain why they have different surnames.

-She's gay and is definitely having a crush with Tsumugi but the latter has no idea. As of now. She likes Tsumugi since high school.

-Her mother and grandparents know and support her sexuality. Gaku also knows and still respects her and he would sometimes joke that she might end up having a girlfriend first than him. (They later didn't expect would have a rivalry when it comes to Tsumugi.)

-Trigger knows her orientation and Tenn tends to have a mental score sheet to tally Gaku and Setsuko's points when competing over Tsumugi. Setsuko's currently in the lead according to him.

-Her relationship with their father is a bit sour but it gradually got better thanks to Anesagi.

-Since when she was in middle school, a lot of people from different modeling agencies would invite her to modeling but she immediately denied it.

-She knows how the entertainment industry works and the gossips within, which explains her worry to her older brother.

-Tsumugi calls her "Secchan".

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