first dates with jjk characters :')

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Y/n and everyone in this story are 19 or above- point is you're not minors | (• •)|

𝙼𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚒 𝙵𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚘:
Megumi is a bit of an awkward date at first, he'll fidget and sweat a bit but afterwards you two will hit. It. Off.
This man will do anything for you, he'll take you to the city and you two go everywhere! There's even a million life store there and he lets you get all the little figurines and keychains you want. May I add he carries your bag for you cuz he's a sweetie 🥰 After a whole day of fun he leads you to his favourite place in the city to start gaze.
At this point it's pretty late so he drops you off home, he even texts you the morning after to tell you how much fun he had ♡︎

Million life is this store/arcade or whatever that has these machines with little figurines or keychains in them. There's a machine that gives you tokens depending on how much money you give it and you just have to put in the right amount of tokens in the machine with the keychain you want. I've gotten Orochimaru, satori and Tomioka from the machines near my house 🥰

𝕐𝕦𝕛𝕚 𝕀𝕥𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕚:
Yuji is a gentleman, he's never really had a significant other but he knows what to do because he knows you very well ♡︎
He takes you to an arcade and you two instantly decide the prizes you wanna win. Every time you get frustrated cuz you can't win something he'll step in and win for you, always giving you the prize. After that you two went out to get boba and he brought you to his place, I'll let your imagination tell you what happens after that | (• ◡•)| The next morning you wake up in his bed and he makes you your favourite warm drink🥰
Btw definite highlights of the date were when you said cute things that embarrassed him or made him blush ♥︎

𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐮:
This guy's been on a million dates, you already know 🙄
But since you're his co-worker he decided to put a little more effort into this date ✨ He takes you to an illusion museum (no idea what they're called) and it's actually really fun! You definitely groaned when you heard him say museum, but him walking into the mirror maze made up for it. There was a small cafe near by so you two also decided to grab some coffee before continuing your adventure through the museum. Throughout the date he would come up behind you and grab your ass since your just ✨ irresistible ✨ . Near the end of the date you two go back to his place to watch a movie but you and I both know you ain't really watching (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) By the end Gojo is an official simp for you meaning you definitely got a second date.

𝓝𝓸𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓚𝓾𝓰𝓲𝓼𝓪𝓴𝓲:
Nobara is very fashionable ✨ you have a good clothing sense but she needs you to keep up so you two go on a shopping spree and raid the entire fricking mall 😚✌️ She also dared you to try on a maid outfit at one of the stores and in turn you made her try on a corset. Though she actually really liked it! And you did too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you guys got boba, new clothes, and legit everything else you wanted. After that you guys watched a movie at the cinema. It was a horror movie, let's pretend you don't like them- so you kept jumping and Nobara would laugh at you each time. Eventually she gave you her hand and you two held hands through the rest of the movie.

TOᘜᗴ IᑎᑌᗰᗩKI
So you definetly though things would be a little awkward, since the obvious factor of this boy can't say full sentences. But it was actually a really lovely date!! You two went to the beach at sunset, so a little classy but you didn't mind. He bought rice balls and pokie sticks and you two had the best time! You even got to hear him say "I love you" making the night a little more special before you crashed at his house 🥰 in the morning you two went to get for sushi for breakfast, cuz you have no life 😃 he seemed happy though so happy Toge is happy life, and if not, get out.

𝗚𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝘂𝗴𝘂𝗿𝘂
Sooo this date was honestly a little sus- Geto is already a very sus character in my eyes so it was fate ig- you two went to an amusement park and let me tell you, this man wants to scare the living hell out of you. He's going on all the big rides, he won't even let you rest. By the end your exhausted so he takes you to a near by hotel, and yes theres fancy hotel water 😌 also fancy hotel champagne which Geto gladly takes. By the end of the night you two might be a little drunk so I'll let you decide what drunk Geto and you do that night ;P

Ⓜ︎Ⓐ︎Ⓚ︎Ⓘ︎ Ⓩ︎Ⓔ︎Ⓝ︎Ⓘ︎Ⓝ︎
Maki had a really busy schedule this day, but she always makes time for you which you thought was really sweet! She even takes you to a cat cafe since y'know, you love cats, and you totally zone out there. You're petting all the cats and you have the beggest smile on your face, and Maki does not regret clearing her schedule for this. She's taking photos of you and she thinks you're just the most adorable person ever 🥰 eventually you two leave since Maki started getting jealous of the cats though ;P but to make it up to her you two cuddle to sleep in her room later that night 😋

Panda's the more admire from a distance dude since I really cant imagine him having simps (no offense to any panda kinnies) but since I know there are some people who love panda, I wrote this ♡︎ Soo panda and you definetly go to the Zoo. Since you weren't to content on going at first panda was sure you'd have a good time and he took it upon himself to make it happen. You two saw all your favourite animals and Panda was so happy to see all the other pandas, he seemed to have a connection with them that you couldn't really understand since you're not really a panda. (Unless you are, then you had a connection with the pandas too, we respect all readers 😎)
By the end of the date panda had walked you home and it was a perfect day 🥰

when I say fancy resteraunt I mean
🇫 🇦 🇳 🇨 🇾 ~ this resteraunt cost more then your house, due to that fact you begged him not to go. You thought you were too simple but he would not take no for an answer. Nanami wants you to know you're royalty and he will treat you as such. On the date you wore a beautiful dress/suite and he fell head over heels at that moment. Over the night you expected to talk about pretty boring stuff so you prepared yourself, but it was actually really fun! Nanami knew exactly what kind of person you were so he talked to you as such. You talked about all the stuff you two liked until it was rime to go home. It was really late so after a bit of begging Nanami agreed to stay at your house for the night ^^.

🅼︎🅰︎🅸︎ 🆉︎🅴︎🅽︎🅸︎🅽︎
In this scenario, Mai heard about how you had a date with Maki and got really jealous. She instantly asked you out in the sweetest way that you couldn't say 'no'. You two went to a cute small town near by that really gave you cottagecore, fairy vibes. It was really magical and you even stopped at the candy store. May I add after Mai saw the look in your eyes when you looked at the candy she couldn't resist all bought you all the candy you wanted. That night you two shared the candy and watched rom-coms at her house until you fell asleep ♡︎

ă̈ŏ̈ĭ̈ t̆̈ŏ̈d̆̈ŏ̈
Say it with me! HOPELESS 👏ROMANTIC👏
Todo could not get Takada chan so he gave up and settled for you. You were actually kind of mad that you were a second option for a while but you accepted it. After you had told him how you felt he did not- he wanted to take you out and treat you like (a) prince/princess/royalty so that's exactly what he did. You two had a packed day! There was a festival going on around the town so he took you there. There were stalls, games, rides and most importantly- food 🤩 By the end of the night you two had show bags and accessories all over and Todo had gotten you some cotton candy 😋 That night you two stayed at his house and whatever happened there is entirely up to you 030 ~

R͎y͎o͎m͎e͎n͎ S͎u͎k͎u͎n͎a͎
(Idk what happened to his name- hopefully it isn't glitched when I post this)
All he wants is Seggs. I said it. But he loves you, so ofc he went on a whole date for you. Since he likes to play around he made you plan the entire thing, and if he lost interest he would leave. So he thought you guys would go to some restaurant or something, instead you made a pillow fort in your living room and put on his favourite shows. When he got inside he was definitely mesmerised, since in that moment he started planning your future wedding. The rest of the night you two watched movies and since he was feeling slightly soft today he just cuddled you 😚

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