4||All for one

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"Relax Danny Brando." All For One calmly says. "You are safe. Dario's your father, he sent you here to spy on my operations."

"H-How did you figure it out?" Danny stutters.

"Um... You didn't even use a fake name..." AFO responds. "Did Your father never say we had a past?"

"He Did not." Danny realizes. "Miiiiight have been useful info..."

"He was one of my subordinates about a few years ago, he looked exactly like you around your age."

Danny's taken aback by the revelation his dad knew AFO nonetheless never told him about it

"What are your goals Danny Brando?" AFO asks. "What do you want?... or perhaps you are without any reason to pursue this, you are a puppet."

"I don't give a crabs ass about your ideals!" Danny snaps back. "I don't want to make the world in my image, I don't want to be accepted for who I am, Stain can go suck a green shrek dildo, what I do want is to fulfill my purpose! the reason I was born to follow in my father's footsteps!"

"Really?" All for one inquires. "Are those your thoughts or are they Dario's? Do you truly want to follow that path or is that what Dario convinced you to want?"

Danny thinks back on his fathers words

"He.... wanted me to learn independence..."

"Is that so?" AFO asks humoured .

"You Know young Brando.... Your Father was responsible for these scars..."

Danny takes a step back nervously

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Danny takes a step back nervously

"Obviously not directly." All for one Chuckles. "Your father knew his limits, he'd never fight me directly knowing he'd lose... But he also knew mine. So when All might smashed through the warehouse i had him operating out of he didn't hesitate to use that decrepit form of his to disguise himself and tell All Might my location..."

"Is that why you called me here?" Danny inquires. "To take revenge on father?"

"In truth." AFO continues. "I can't be mad at him, he saw his opportunity to get rid of both All Might and/or me and he took it, I could never fault such treachery....  lies and deceit are what keep life interesting....

You see.... Dario inspires loyalty... I would say enough to even rival myself...

Even in the face of the number 1 hero his followers scrambled to take the blame and pose as the true head ensuring your father would get away Scot-free."

"So why did you call me here?" Danny asks as he starts to build up confidence. "To just inform me on my father's oversight? or maybe just to tell me a tale from your glory days."

AFO lets off a light laugh humoured by Danny's burst of bravery.

"I simply want you to know you have a choice...." All for one responds. "You can continue your 'Operation' but Tomura took a chance on you. I just wanted to make you aware of who's really in control of this situation. We don't want you to have some ill-gotten feeling that you're some master spy who's pulling the wool over my eyes.."

he turns around in his chair.

"I had you brought before me to see what kind of man you are, Danny Brando... and how much of your father exists in you..."

before Danny can say anything else Kurogiri surrounds Danny again bringing him back to the bar

everyone looks at him.

"What did master want to say to you?" a grumpy Tomura asks.

"He.... just wanted to have a chat with me, being a foreigner and all."

Danny throws a coat on and opens the door leaving

"Where are you going?" Mustard asks.

"I need.... to go do something...." Danny says as he closes the door and walks out into the rain

TW:"Could this scene get any edgier? we got rain and shit."

"I need to talk to father." Danny tells his stand.

TW:"We're the same person so I kinda already knew that."

Danny makes it home greeting Diego and entering his father's study

"I know you told me to keep in touch though coded email..." Danny begins. "But I'm here to report on my situation."

"Oh?" Dario says turning around. "Begin..."

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