3||Mask shopping

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(HAHA fun story the main hold back to this chapter was me trying to decide what Danny's mask would look like until i realized it's really simple...)

"You have any idea how long it's going to take me to heal from this?" Danny questions wrapping up his arm.

"Like.... 2 days." he mutters.

"a Bit rude to put that knife in me arm innit?"

"I couldn't help myself." Toga cheerfully responds. "Whenever I see blood I just lose it."

"You stabbed me.... In the arm!" Danny exclaims.

TW:"I can tell she's certainly gonna be a problem..."

after that Danny stays out of knifing range.

later Kurogiri is showing everyone to their rooms

the conditions are utterly repulsive

none have been thoroughly cleaned in years

pretty sure there's a rat colony in Danny's room

this wouldn't be the first Time Danny's had to sleep in poor conditions

and it probably won't be the last...

he once had to sleep in a motel in Winnipeg that had recently had a murder so it smelled like it...

but then again Danny uses blood to heal so it's not that horrible to him.

that Night Kurogiri wakes up to find Danny at the bartender counter tossing drinks around like a pro

"Aren't you like 14?" Kurogiri asks. "How do you know how to mix drinks?"

"I'm 15." Danny corrects as he makes a Martini.

"I posed as a Bartender 2 years ago, you'd be surprised by how easily Drunk people can be convinced a 13 year old kid is just some dude with a Hormonal disorder."

"Huh." Kurogiri mutters. "Do you drink?"

"Oh God no." Danny laughs off. "Alcohol dulls the senses, it's better to get your enemies drunk instead."

"I guess so." Kurogiri responds letting off a slight chuckle.

"Plus competitive bartending helps train my dexterity." Danny adds throwing a mixer up and catching it.

he finishes  and hands a vodka martini to Kurogiri.

"Shaken... not stirred..." he says in a bond impression

"I don't drink either," Kurogiri turns down. "it messes with my quirk. Gets hard to remember coordinates when you're buzzed and i need to always be prepared."

"Yeah... guess you do...." Danny relates.

the next day Danny is walking through the streets shopping

if he's going to be a proper Villain he's gonna need a mask

so he drops by "Masks R us"

the majority of customers are rich white dudes hoping to scare people off plots of land for financial gain only to be stopped by a few teens and a dog.

the first mask Danny tries on is a smiley mask

and for some reason when he puts it on his eye glow red and he begins hearing ominous whispering beckoning him to kill everyone.

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