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"I have a mission for you my son..." Dario begins.

"Anything, father." Danny kneels.

"Have you heard of what happened to the hero killer?" he continues.

"I don't really keep up with news." Danny admits. "But you always taught me heroism is just a false pretense for people to feel good about themselves and cope with the cruelty that is existence."

"Anyway...." Dario says taking out his phone. "He's all over social media."

Dario plays a video for him

"So?" Danny responds. "he spouts about "False heroes" and he instantly becomes famous?"

"He's caused a stir..." Dario comments. "One that's leading to a new generation of Villains to rise. Our rivals, while we could operate under the radar of the old league of villains with our spies, with a good 80% of their mass being arrested their numbers will no doubt be smaller and be more precise with their members.... his arrest will only encourage more misguided children to fill the streets under the cause of 'a better world'"

he lets off a sigh.

"I want you to infiltrate the league of villains as a new recruit, I've used my resources to get you on a man named Giran's radar... He'll probably meet up with you tomorrow."

"Wh-What is my goal, Father." Danny inquires.

Dario looks down at his son before motioning him to stand up

"Nothing.... simply make sure they don't meddle in our affairs, other than that do as you please.... Go on murder sprees, make 'friends', maybe finally get a girlfriend."

"I can't always be around to command you, and if you're to be my successor that means you need to learn how to be independent, make your own decisions. So I see this opportunity as two birds with one stone."

Danny looks at him confused.

"So you're basically just telling me to join up with unorganized sociopaths and somehow I'll learn how to be independent?"

"I'll still be in touch with you." Dario adds. "Every Friday I want a weekly update on their operations."

"It will be done father." Danny says kneeling again.

the next day like his father said Giran escorts Danny and two others to the leagues base

it's in a bar...

the four enter as they immedietly begin conversing

"So it's you huh?" the scarred man mutters

"I saw a picture of you but you look gross in person...."

"Wow, the hand guy!" the girl exclaims with manic enthusiasm. "You're friends with the great stain, right? RIGHT?!"

"Let me join, too! the league of villains!"

Danny just lets off a nervous wave.

"Kurogiri." the handman growls. "Get rid of these guys. Everything I hate came together in one set."

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