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"Ready?" She signs when I'm done discarding the article of clothing.


I cuddle into Billie's arms as I feel them close in around me, and sigh in contentment. The warmth of the blankets, and the strength of Billie's hold on my body sends me to sleep in no time.

I wake up to a thump against my head, a rather unpleasant one at that. I open my eyes to find a still sleeping Billie with her head against mine. The area hurts too much, so I lean back slightly to rub my head.

I brush it off as an anomaly and try to get some more rest. As soon as I place my head back on the pillow, I feel an even harder thump, causing me to yelp in pain and grab my head.

Billie's eyes shoot open at the noise and she looks around until she sees me rubbing my head. A realization seems to hit her as she rubs her own as well.

I try to take deep breaths so I don't seem too distressed. I wouldn't want Billie to worry. I really am alright.

She gets the journal out, writing, "I'm so sorry. It kept slipping my mind but I meant to tell you.. I have Tourette's."

As I read, I quickly understand, writing, "No worries," in the journal and resting my head back down to look at Billie.

She writes again, "I'm really sorry I hurt you."

"It's okay," I sign, getting drowsy.

I decide to simply cuddle into her as a sign that I am tired, and leave a soft kiss on her neck, knowing it will give her butterflies. Billie softly brushes her hand through my hair and pulls away slightly, making me whine.

She giggles and holds up a finger before grabbing a small pillow from the floor beside the bed and leaning back into me. She leaves a lingering kiss on my lips before placing the pillow between us and pulling her leg over my torso, knowing how safe it makes me feel.

I smile and lean into her hold once again, stoked to have an extra pillow. Throughout the rest of the night, I sleep soundly and comfortably, relishing in the feeling of Billie's arms around me, and when I wake up, I almost forget the reason why I'm here.

I move the pillow from between our heads, and gaze at Billie's defined features. How such a beautiful woman wanted to date me, I do not know. What I do know, is that I must get started on Billie's house, seeing as it is massive.

I quietly sneak out of bed and decide to make breakfast for Billie and I before I get started on cleaning. I open her fridge to find many ingredients I am unfamiliar with, but look in a cabinet to find an adorable hand-written recipe book, heirloom-esque.

I choose one of the simpler looking recipes in the breakfast section and get to work. By the time I am done, I have two plates full of food that look very delicious.

The scent wafting onto my face, I feel my stomach growl. I stow Billie's plate into the toaster oven to keep warm and dig into mine. I'm not sure what time she usually wakes up, so I don't wait up for her, aware that's it is still the early hours of the morning.

I finish my food and clean my plate before beginning my search for where Billie keeps her cleaning products. First, I look in a few cabinets along a hallway, only really finding empty space, then head to the laundry room in hopes of finding it there.

I look in all of the cabinets in there, the last one having the cleaning supplies. It is tall, almost big enough for a person to step inside, although it is full of mops, dusters, brooms, and a vacuum. On a shelf inside are window and surface cleaners along with a stack of rags and a stain remover.

I smile at my discovery, thankful I did not find anything I did not want to see within the depths of Billie's storage space, and grab surface and window cleaner to start with the kitchen.

When I walk back into the room, supplies in hand, I am met with a drowsy Billie, slowly picking at her food and scrolling on her phone. Her hair is ratty and tangled, something likely common for her with the amount of moving she must do at night.

When she notices me, she smiles, though not very big, still seeming half-asleep and not entirely there, then looks back at her phone. Curious as to what is grabbing her attention, and being a nosey person, I walk behind her to see she is on an app I am very familiar with: Sign School.

It is what what the title says, an app for teaching someone how to sign. She doesn't seem to notice me behind her and answers a question on the screen correctly, dancing slightly in her seat in victory.

I giggle and continue into the kitchen, where few dishes are placed in the sink and crumbs are in various places on the counter. It is almost pristine, barely needing a cleaning at all, but I begin anyway, hoping I can do enough to properly earn my pay.

As I wash dishes, I glance back at Billie a few times, finding her dedication to my native language adorable. I also notice her ticking a few times, realizing she must have been suppressing them up until now.

Soon, I feel Billie's steps up behind me and smile. She gently approaches me, likely making an effort not to startle me, and places her breakfast dish in the sink. She then comes behind me and hugs around my waist, resting her chin on my shoulder.

She remains there until I go to dry the dishes and Billie holds me in place. I giggle softly and attempt to leave her hold again, still being held back. I turn around in her arms and place a kiss on her nose.

"I need to work, Billie," I sign.

She shakes her head, "Boringggg," she signs, dragging out the movement and repeating it over and over again.

I tilt my head and look at her, lifting my hand to caress her face before signing again, "Your house is huge! I have to start now."

She shakes her head with a pout, as a child would, and pulls me in for a full hug, tucking her face into my hair, something she knows drives me crazy.

I've begun to feel more comfortable with the idea of having sex with Billie, but I can't let her suck me in right now, even for just kisses. I need to earn my pay.

I kiss Billie behind her ear and push her off of me with care, "I must start."

She pouts again, "Let me help."

"Billieeee," I protest with my voice, then sign, "Please?"

"No, I'm helping," she signs sternly, finally letting go of me and grabbing a towel to dry the dishes.

I palm my face and shake my head, finding her endearing, but feeling a slight pang of guilt at the idea of letting her help, and pay me.

Ultimately, I give in and let her help, slightly relieved that I'm not on my own anymore.



Patience//BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now