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I quickly lean down and place a peck on Billie's lips before sitting all the way up and grabbing the journal to write something.

"Can I fall asleep with you? " I wrote, showing her the page with a shy smile.

A small smirk tugged at her lips as she nodded, and then looked down at our clothes.

I wrote more, "Let's get changed into something more comfortable."

she smiled and nodded again, and I reluctantly got up from straddling her, mumbling out a breathy 'okay' as I did so.

We got up and out of bed, and I sorted through my old baggy t-shirts, trying to find something Billie would feel comfortable in. She smiled gratefully as I handed her one as well as some sleep shorts.

I followed her into the bathroom, finding her a spare toothbrush, then made my way back out, giving her space to change.

I quickly slipped on my pajamas, also an old t-shirt and sleep shorts, before waiting for Billie to exit the bathroom. I usually sleep in just underwear but it's the second date, we're not there yet.

Billie comes out, her hair messily fallen around her face and wearing my clothes.

She looks so cute in my clothes.

"You look so cute in my clothes," I sign without thinking.

Billie twists her face in concentration, "Again, slow."

I begin to get nervous, now having time to think about my bold words, "You look so cute in my clothes," I tell her sign by sign so she can decipher what I am saying.

Billie signs "Clothes," with furrowed eyebrows and mouths the word to me as well.

"Yes," I assure her, glad to teach her a new sign.

She nods in understanding before signing a 'thank you' with a curtsy and a cute smile.

I can't help but giggle at her adorable self and I walk into the bathroom myself.

Once I'm all freshened up to sleep, I step out of the bathroom, expecting to find Billie. When I don't, I walk to my living room to look for her.

I find her back at the fish tank, tapping the glass with her finger. I slowly walk up behind her, trying not to make a noise.

Turns out it's really hard not to make a noise when you have no idea how much noise you are making. I just know I'm supposed to tiptoe or whatever.

I step closer and closer, seeing Billie stop tapping the glass. I stop all of my movements, still wanting to catch her by surprise, but she slowly turns around to look at me, one of my knees still bent high from tiptoeing.

Billie smiles widely and shakes her head, looking to my hand where the journal lies. I hand it to her, annoyed my plan didn't work, and watch her write inside.

"Were you trying to be quiet?" It said.

"Yes," I sign.

She smiles, "Maybe get less creaky floors," she wrote.

I put my mouth in an 'o' shape to convey understanding.

She chuckles and stands up from her previous position with her knees on the floor. I watch as she slowly walks up to me, I guess creaking the floor with each step.

Floors creak, never knew that.

Her arms snake around my waist once she gets close enough and she clasps her hands behind my back, holding us close as she looks into my eyes.

Billie slowly leans in to kiss me, allowing me time to stop it if I need to, and leaves a lingering kiss on my lips, so soft that it tickled slightly when she pulled away.

A smile creeps onto my lips, irrepressible and genuine, "I love being with you, Billie," I admit with my voice.

"You love being with me?" She mouths, making sure she heard me right.

I give her an exaggerated nod to show her how much I actually love it and she smiles. "I love being with you," she tells me, pointing at me and squinting her eyes at the last word.

I blush and hold her close, resting my head on her chest. Billie begins to walk us somewhere, still holding me tightly in her arms, and soon we've shuffled our way across my small apartment and into my bedroom.

Now all ready for bed, we climb in and I grab our notebook.

Our notebook, cute. I'll keep it forever.

"Can you lie on top of me?" I write, "It makes me feel protected."

I hand it to Billie and she reads my words, "absolutely," she mouths.

I smile and lay down close to the middle of the bed, getting cozy. Billie gets under the duvet and scooches over, giggling slightly as she pulls herself on top of me and slowly puts her weight on me.

I wrap my arms around her torso as she finishes lowering herself on me and she picks up her face to show me her mouth. She says something and I can't quite make out the word. It doesn't make her lips move enough.

"Different word," I vocalize, hoping she understands why.

She looks up in thought, "You alright?"

I smile sweetly and nod my head, "Rad."

I feel her shake slightly as she chuckles and lays her head down on my chest, wrapping her arms around me.

I play with her hair as I recall our date and smile at the multitude of fun memories we made just in a couple of days.

She's made me feel so much less alone and so important. Every day since I met her has been a roller coaster, and a good one. She's always surprising me with her wit, or saying the cutest shit just to make me blush.

I've never had someone that just makes me feel important... and fun.

I still struggle to grasp that she's hanging out with me for me, and she's not doing it under any obligation. It's not because she's family, or because she's Deaf and needs a Deaf friend, or to learn ASL or to even have sex, something we haven't done.

It's not even because she loves me, I mean we've only known each other for a short time. She's here, in my arms, because she wants to be, because she likes my company. And that's it.


Hi I have rly bad writers block but here I am! So this story is still rly high in #billieeilish and yeah wow.

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