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When I open the door, I don't hesitate to jump into her arms.

My first friend in this scary-ass city.

We stay hugging in the doorway for a few moments before I think to invite her in. I pull away slowly, still smiling like and idiot and take her hand to pull her inside.

She looks around my apartment, making a circle with her eyes until meeting them back at me and smiling. I blush and gesture to the place, my way of saying 'this is it'.

Billie then lets go of my hand and looks into my eyes. She signs, "How are you?"

I completely melted, making an 'aww' face and running into her arms again, giggling in her embrace.

When I take my blushing cheeks out of her chest I sign, "Good, how are you?" very slowly, so she can comprehend.

She smirks and bites her lip, "Better now that you're here."

This time I squeal in excitement. Those aren't basic signs, she must have spent lots of time just rehearsing that one sentence.

I jump and run in place a little and I can see her laughing.

We stare longingly at each other as I calm down and I lift my finger, signaling for her to wait. She stands in the entrance as I run further into my apartment, grabbing my phone, my keys, some cash, and a notebook and pen that I commonly use for communicating.

Especially when working with cashiers and things, they won't type in or even touch your phone, probably for insurance reasons or something, so they write in a notebook or something like that and it works just fine.

I approach where I left Billie at the entrance and find her gone. I quickly scan around the apartment to see her poking at the fish in my little tank in the corner.

I smile as I watch her cute little face giggle at the scrambling fish when she taps on the glass.

I just make my way over, tapping her shoulder lightly and she looks up.

"Ready?" I read on her lips. Her oh so beautiful lips.

I nod my head and we walk out, hands clasped together.

Billie leads me to her car and opens the door for me like she did last night in that gas station parking lot. I smile politely and sit inside.

I see Billie sit in the driver's seat and lean in to look at the stereo. She clicks a couple of buttons and I see her maxing out the bass.

That's my girl.

I pump my fist a little and she laughs.

Billie takes the aux cord and hands it over to me, bowing her head a little bit. I lift my chin a little and take it, like the royalty I am.

As I search my phone for music, I feel the car start up and Billie drives out of the parking lot for my apartment building. I have no idea where we are headed, but I trust her, so it's fine.

We planned to just go on a drive, so I assume Billie is just going to take me on some scenic streets. I'm not picky, as long as I don't have to drive.

I pick a couple of songs and queue them up.

As we are driving, the bass rattles my bones just the way I like it and billie is nodding her head to the music. I even see her singing along to some of the songs. It is nice to just be in her presence. We don't have to talk, hey, we don't even have to look at each other. We can just be in the same car, listening to the same music, and find company.

I look out the window at all of the people and cars that we pass and wonder what all of their stories are. How many of them are on their way to see their families? Their significant others? Their friends? How many of them are struggling with something? How many of them are happy? I mean, truly happy?

My thoughts are interrupted by a realization. Billie is pulling into the driveway of a parking lot.

A confused look stretches across my face as I whip my head around to look at Billie. She doesn't see me, or she's purposefully not looking, so I say, "Hmmm?"

I see a smirk form on her lips as she parks, still refusing to look at me.

I look over to see that we are at a restaurant.

I turn back to Billie to see her looking at me, finally.

"I wanted to take you out, hope that's okay," she signs.

I blush intensely and nod my head, my hands on both of my cheeks.

How much time did she spend practicing for this one day?

I blush even harder thinking of her sat on her bed, signing along with some youtube video playing on her phone or laptop.. all for me.

She opens my door and takes my hand to support me as I stand up. I look down at my outfit and see the crude set of clothes adorning my body.

I didn't think we were going anywhere nice.

I look at Billie and then down to my clothes and back at Billie with a distressed face.

She tilts her head and smiles, taking the small notebook and pen from my hand and opening it to write: You look amazing no matter what you wear.

I blush, knowing she's never actually seen me dressed up. She just likes plain old every-day Amanda.


Billie keeps the notebook in one hand and takes mine with the other, walking me to the entrance.

I thought people might stare at me in disgust after seeing my get-up. Instead, I see people staring, not at me, but at Billie.

I watch her converse with the hostess for a short while, wondering why so many people seem so intrigued by her.

We then follow the hostess to our table, a pretty private one in the back.

This must have been expensive.

Billie looks at me concerned and scooches the notebook towards me, mouthing what's wrong?

I take the pen and write: How much did this cost?

I hand her back the pad of bound papers with a worried look and her face softens when she reads my words.

She takes the pen and writes something down. It takes a little longer, and she sticks her tongue out a little as she drags the pen along the paper. Billie hands it to me and I read:

Princess (is that okay?),

Please don't worry about the cost or anything but having a good time with me. Money is not a problem, I swear.

Also, you look adorable right now.

I grin up at her as I read the words, writing: Yeah, you can call me princess, I like it.

I read her lips, "Okay, princess."

Patience//BILLIE EILISHUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum