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Dreams POV

it's been a few days and George is better, no more shaking and he can walk and talk again. He is more obedient though and that was the point of him sleeping outside so I'd say it was effective.

I am outside waiting for my next victim. I'm not going to kill them yet though I want to bring them back home so Georgie can help me. I think it could be a good learning experience for him.

I see a boy walking alone he's not pretty like my Georgie, I quickly jump down and punch right in the side of the head knocking him out because he doesn't deserve chloroform, it's to nice for him.

I carry him home and tie him up on the chair, George is on the bed sleeping right now so I have to be quiet.

Eventually he wakes up and starts screaming even though I gaged him. This assholes screaming woke up Georgie I'm gonna have so much fun killing him.

George's POV

I woke up to sound of screaming and when I looked over there was a guy on the chair and a mad looking dream. Sure I can't see him face but I can tell he is really close to hurting the guy.

"Georgie your up. Did this dickhead wake you?" I don't speak I never do so I just stare at dream and the guy. He seems to notice that he's not the only one in the room with a killer because he turned and look at me like I can do something.

I can't tell what he's trying to say but probably something along the lines of help me can't this idiot see that I'm chained to the FUCKING BED

"SHUT UP" I flinch when dream yells, so does the guy. I need a better name for him then guy, I'm gonna call him Ben. Why, I don't know cuz he seems like a Ben, annoying and basic.

Dream then walks to me and sits on the bed so I try to move back but can't go far because of the chains. "Don't worry Georgie" he reaches over and grabs my wrists with one hand and pulls a key from his pocket with the other. Once my hands are free I rub the red marks hopping to take some of the pain away. "Now Georgie I expect you to be good and if you try to run I won't hesitate to put you back outside" I quickly nod. No way am I ever going back out there, I can't even remember what happened after waking up in the morning.

Dream stands back up and slowly walks to the stairs saying "good, now I trust that you be on the bed in the same spot when I get back or there will be consequences" I nod again. One the door is closed and his footsteps are gone I let out a breath. It's good to have my hands free again, I almost forgot the feeling. Maybe if I'm good and gain his trust I can have my hands free more often.

Ben doesn't stop moving until he manages to take the gag of just enough to speak.

"Hey"he says. I ignore him.
"Don't fucking ignore me" he gets louder and starts to pull on his restraints.
"You dumb fuck get me out of here" his voice is getting increasingly louder.
"I SAID UNTYE ME ASSHOLE" I ball my hands into fists so I don't move, I won't sleep outside again because of this bitch.

He keeps yelling and moving around, after a few minutes I can't take it anymore. I snap. "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SELF ABSORBED, STUPID BITCH" he seems shocked with my outburst and stays quiet after.

When dream comes back it with a bag and I can tell a smile. He walks over to me and puts a hand under my chin lifting it so I can look into his 'eyes' "your were a good boy and for being good you get a treat" I give him a confused look, I feel like this won't end well. "You get to help me kill this fucker, isn't that a great treat" I feel myself go Paul at his words. I can't kill someone.

It's been a while sorry, school has just been busy

How has your day been?

Eat, drink, sleep
Have an awesome day/night

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