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"I don't see why it's so important to meet this new boyfriend of yours."

"Come on, Felix! He's been dying to meet you guys and he can't meet the group without meeting you too!" Pleaded Hyunjin, pouting at Felix with his best pair of puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, Lix! There's no reason for you to say no." Jeongin tried to help, joining in the pout fest.

Hyunjin had a new boyfriend and he wanted his best friends to meet him. Hyunjin rarely dated anymore. He had been with too many guys who just didn't meet his expectations. He honestly thought he would never find someone to be with, but here he was, head over heels for a man that Felix and Jeongin had never met.

"There's always a reason to say no."

"Like what?"

"Like... Like I'm sick." Felix proceeded to fake a cough. Jeongin whacked the back of his head, frowning at the older's attempt at getting out of meeting Hyunjin's boyfriend.

"We'll be there, Hyunjin. I promise."


Fortunately for Felix, he had a few classes to prepare himself before he had to meet the guy that his tall friend has seemingly chosen to be his mate for the next month.

He sat in the second row of the Physics class, he always had. It was so that he could both hear and see what the professor was doing. He was getting all of his work out when a mop of dark brown hair blocked his view.

He cleared his throat, expecting the other to at least look back and acknowledge his presence. Apparently even that was too much to ask. The buff man completely ignored him, talking to the squirrel looking boy beside him. They seemed to be good friends, they were talking rather animatedly.

"Excuse me—" He tried again, getting caught off guard by the loud laughter coming from the two.

"Christopher!" He yelled, finally getting a reaction from the man who had blocked his view. When 'Christopher' turned around, he seemed almost surprised to see Felix there. Almost. There was an underlying look of mischief in his eyes that told Felix it was intentional.

"Hey, princess. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Don't call me that, Christopher." He scolded, his brows furrowing together and his heart shaped lips forming a pout. "Move."

"Why should I? I chose this seat to get an optimal view of the presentation." Chris' friend seemed to be getting uncomfortable with the two arguing.

"Well, I was here first and I need to see."

"If you need to see, then why don't you move?"

"This is the best place to see and hear the presentation. It's just right."

"Okay, Goldie Locks, see if I care."

With that, Chris sat down, refusing to move. His friend remained next to him as well, looking back at Felix and giving him a sort of apologetic smile. The kindness that he showed was returned with a firm scowl that Felix would hold for the rest of the presentation.

He'd never admit to it if he was asked about it, but, when he noticed the blonde behind him craning his neck in many different ways in an attempt to see the presentation, Chris sank down a bit in his chair.


"Innie, you don't have to drag me around like this. I can walk there on my own"

"You'll try to run, and we both know it."

Jeongin had a tight hold on Felix's wrist, making it impossible for the shorter to run, even if he wanted to.

"I still don't see why I have to meet this guy. It's not like Hyunjin cares about our opinion anyways."

"Of course he cares! You know that he wants to make sure we get along with this new boyfriend before he actually commits to him."

The two were on their way to meet Hyunjin and his new boyfriend at a small cafe near their campus. That way they would meet on neutral ground, somewhere that they all spent quite a bit of time. Hyunjin was treating the whole situation like he was introducing two hostile dogs.

"For the last time, Lix, please behave." Jeongin pleaded before pulling him into the cafe, locating Hyunjin's ponytail from across the room.

The couple seemed to be having a good time, they were talking as though they hadn't another care in the world. Felix didn't mind the sound of their laughter as much as he thought he would. He and Jeongin slid into the booth on the opposite side of the booth and suddenly Felix's blood pressure began rising.

"It's you!"



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