1st Round [Fight The Power]

Start from the beginning

Rule #4: No weapons and drugs may be used for the duration of the match.

Rule #5: The match only ends when one of the fighters gives up or is incapacitated.

Rule #6: Each Kengan Match lasts for a duration of one round. 

Rule #7: All fighters and their employers will receive an armband with their sigil sewn into it, both the fighters and the employers have to wear these at all times.

Rule #8: The hired fighters must be over 16 years old.

Rule #9: It is possible for one employer to allow another employer to borrow their fighter for one match at a cost of a minimum 100 000 yen and a share from the winnings.

Rule #10: If either of the fighters dies before the referee calls the match or the opposing employer surrenders, nobody is held responsible.

Rule #11: Fighting outside of the ring is strictly prohibited, breaking this rule will cause a severe penalty to the party involved.

Rule #12: The resulting winnings from Kengan Matches are split 80/20 between the employer and their employed fighter respectively.

Rule #13: If both the employer and the fighter come to an agreement, the share of winnings from Kengan Matches can be modified.

Rule #14: In the event that the winning side is found guilty of breaking any of the rules listed here, they are stripped of all their winnings and are temporarily banned from participating in any of the Kengan Matches.

Rule #15: The employer can terminate their contract with their fighter at any given time for a fee of 200 000 yen.

Rule #16: A fighter cannot participate in a Kengan Match without the presence of his employer.

Rule #17: A Kengan Match may only take place under the direct supervision of a Game Master, all Game Masters an identification card.

Rule #18: A Game Master cannot directly participate in a Kengan Match, however, they may still wager on either of the two fighters.

Rule #19: During a Kengan Match, either of the two employers may call a "Chaos Clash", upon which they are forced to pay 100 million yen each minute for their own specified duration. As long as "Chaos Clash" is in effect all rules are ignored.


Suffice to say that the list of rules the so-called "Employers" have to follow is quite lengthy, but so is the one for the "Fighters". Some of the students snarkily commented about how unoriginal the naming was for their future employees, but none dared directly bring it up. But now, with the official rules are known to the general student body, only struggle will be known to the students of Hyakkaou. They will have to find suitable fighters for their cause and quickly, otherwise they will be left to rot as a housepet. And so, the era of tyranny had begun at Hyakkaou, and for better or worse... things were going to get hectic. Actually, hectic is too much of a weak word.

Shit is about to go down.

Chaos will ensue and everyone, whether they like it or not will be caught in the crossfire.

The best fighters money can buy from all over the world will blindly throw themselves into the jaws of death.

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