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The week went by in a blur of packing and paperwork. The day finally came that the ship was to leave. Arthur and Daniel had both been invited on the trip. With a little help from the capitol, Daniel got two months off for official government business. It was nice to get to bring his own stuff this time, not so nice to figure out how to pack it. He managed to finish half an hour before Amarvus came down to pick him up. Arthur was already there, Amarvus getting him earlier that morning.

"Where are we going?" Arthur asked as they walked down the hallway of the ship.

"To Ihina's office. She's the person with the translators."

"Oh, ok. How is it?"

"Don't know, I was asleep when I got mine."

"Oh. Does he know?"

"Uh, he said it hurts a little bit. Nothing too bad though. Ihina's nice. You'll be fine." Amarvus stopped at a door and ushered them inside. Ihina smiled once she saw who was here.

"Daniel! It is so good to see you again. How have you been?"

"I'm well, how are you?"

"I am doing great. And who do we have here?"

"Oh, this is Arthur. Arthur, this is Ihina."

"Hello. It's nice to meet you, ma'am."

"She said it's nice to meet you too."

Ihina turned to Amarvus, "So, what brings you here today?"

"Arthur here needs a translator."

"Alrighty! He needs to get a scan first. Daniel, could you tell him this before we start?"

"Uh, sure," He turned to Arthur and explained what they were talking about.

"Ok, that sounds fine."

"Ok, the tables are kind of tall, so they usually just pick you up."

"Uh, ok." Amarvus bent down, picked Arthur up, and laid him down on the scanner.

"How are you doing?"


"Ok. They're going to close the lid." Ihina moved to grab the handle.

"Wait, there's a lid? Waitwait, one second," Ihina stopped, "I just, have a thing with small spaces."

"Um, it takes a little under a minute. Do you think you can stay in there for that long?"

"Uh, I'll try."

"Ok, just say stop or something and they'll let you out."

"Ok. Got it." Arthur closed his eyes and Ihina gently closed the lid.

"Are you ok?"

"Yep, just start it already." She started the scanner up and soon was opening the lid again.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok, Amarvus asked if he could pick you up again."

"Uh, sure." Arthur was picked back up and placed on the table.

"Ihina asked if she could pull your shirt up so she can get to your back."


"She said that's where the translator goes."

"Oh, that's fine." Ihina pulled Arthur's shirt up, felt around his back for a good spot, and injected him with the translator.

"Ow! Yep. Yepyepyepyep. That stings."

"Are you ok?"

"Yep, fine." Ihina pulled his shirt back down and started stroking his back. Arthur hissed. "Thanks, that helps."

"She said no problem." After a few minutes, the sting started going away. "Amarvus asked if you wanted to see your room. We can have some lunch."

"It's lunch already? Yeah, ok." Arthur was helped off of the table and they started walking towards their rooms. Amarvus opened the door and let Daniel and Arthur in. It was a cozy room, with furniture much closer to human size. Daniel and Arthur sat down at the table and Amarvus got them lunch. "So, how long does it take for this thing to work?"

"Uh, he said about half an hour."

"Ok. What is this stuff?"

"I'm not entirely sure. I ate it for a few months, and I never got sick or anything." Daniel started eating, Arthur soon following, "So, what's after lunch?"

"I was planning on showing you to your room so you both could unpack. Then it is up to you."

"Ok, sounds good." After lunch, Daniel followed Amarvus to a room similar to Arthur's.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's nice. I'm glad I won't need help getting into anything."

"Oh, that reminds me. Wait right there," Amarvus left the room for a minute. "Look, tiny bottles! I need you to help rewrite the labels, but now you can bathe without me."

"Oh, cool! Thanks."

"My pleasure, dear. I was told to give you more space so if I am too overbearing, just let me know."

"Oh, ok. I don't really mind."

"Alright, just know you can tell me if you get uncomfortable."

"I will, thanks." Amarvus smiled. They spent some time rewriting the labes on the soap bottles, and Amarvus got up.

"Do you need any help unpacking?"

"I'm good, thanks."

"Alright. Well, I better leave you to it. If you need me, press that button on the wall."

"Ok. See you later," Daniel gave Amarvus a hug goodbye, and was left to settle in.

A/N: Hi guys! I might need to take a week either after this chapter or the next to catch up. I have some school stuff due soon so I'm not going to have as much time to write. Thank you for reading! Have a question? Leave a comment. I love getting comments from you guys!

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