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Arthur thought he was prepared for just about anything life had to throw at him. It seemed that life took that as a challenge. Because the offer he just received is something he never would have seen coming.

"To where?"

"Another planet. These guys are looking for an ambassador, and we have decided to ask you."

"Uhm, wow. M-me?" Arthur had only started working at the capitol a few months ago, and he never thought he would get a promotion so soon. Especially something like this.

"Yes, you. What do you say?"

"Uh, yes. Yes! That would be- yes!"

"Good, you can have a little talk with the guy on when to leave."

"Wait, I have to talk to..?"

"The big guy. He's in the garden."


"Yes, now." Arthur deflated a little. This was beyond amazing, but he was a bit scared of the giant alien that he was now supposed to talk to. He made his way down the hallway until he came to the gardens. He saw the alien and a guy sitting in the grass, leaning against a wall and just talking.

Arthur cautiously opened the door that led outside, their attention shifting at the sound. The alien smiled as Arthur timidly walked up to them. The guy spoke up from where he was sitting. "Hi, are you the person who's supposed to talk with him?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm Arthur."

"I'm Daniel and that's Amarvus."

"Hi, they, uh, told me you were looking for an ambassador?"

Amarvus lit up and started speaking. There was a pause before Daniel realized Arthur did not understand a word, "Oh, he said it's nice to meet you." Amarvus held out a hand towards him.

"Uh, nice to meet you too." Arthur reached out and placed his hand in Amarvus's. He gently grasped Arthur's hand and shook it. "Heh, wow." Amarvus smiled at him.

Amarvus started talking and Daniel translated for him. "You said something about an ambassador, have they picked someone already?"

"Uh, yeah. They asked me and I said yes."

"Great, when would you like to go?"


"Yeah, how long until you think you would be ready to go to the ship?"

"Uh, how long do I have?"

"As long as you need."

"Oh, ok. It should take a few days to pack. I don't know how long it will take to get the papers sorted. I'll have to ask."

Amarvus turned to Daniel.

"Oh, sure," he turned back to Arthur, "He asked if me going in there with you would help. He said he would stay here and wait for an answer."

"Uh, no, I can do it. Just, stay here with him and I'll be right back."

"Oh, ok. See you in a bit."

"Yep. Bye. See you." Arthur backed up until he bumped into the door and quickly went back inside.

"Did he seem a bit nervous to you?"


"Oh, poor dear. I did not mean to scare him."

"I think he'll be alright."

"Yes, I know."

Daniel let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, dear. You have stayed awake longer than you should have, huh?"

"Yeah, it's been a long night."

"Ok, you can lean against me if you need to doze for a bit. I will wake you up once Arthur comes back."

"Thanks." Daniel leaned against Amarvus and felt arms wrap around him.


"Um, sir?" Arthur peeked his head through the door.


"Um, I talked to him-"

"What did he say?"

"He seemed happy that you found an ambassador so quickly and asked when I would be ready to leave."

"Ok, give us a week to get the papers sorted, and start packing. How long did he say you were going to be there?"

"I, uh, haven't asked him yet."

"Well, go ask him!"

"Yes, sir!" Arthur quickly made his way out of the office and back towards the gardens. He paused before opening the door at what he saw. The guy- Daniel- was leaning against Amarvus, seemingly asleep. Arthur quietly opened the door and walked out. Amarvus smiled at him and turned to the sleeping man in his arms. He gently shook him by the shoulder.

"Daniel. Daniel." Daniel grumbled and opened his eyes.

"Oh, hi."

"Hi, you ok?"

"Yeah, just, didn't get a lot of sleep last night." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. "So, what did they say?"

"Uh, the papers should be ready in a week. How long will I be staying with you?"

"It takes about two weeks to get there," Daniel translated, "They thought you could stay maybe a month or so? So about two months I guess."

"Two months. Ok, I can work with that."

"Do you have any other questions for him?"

"Uh, what's the planet like?"

Daniel spoke before Amarvus could this time, "It's really pretty. Lots of red."

"How do you know that?"

"I've been there. It's a long story. I could tell you about it if you get a break."

"Sure, that sounds interesting. I have to tell them how long the trip will be, thank you." Arthur left once again and returned a few minutes later. "Ok, they are getting the paperwork sorted. Do you guys want lunch or something?"

"Lunch would be great, thanks."

"What do you want?"

"Uh, what do you have?"

"There's this good soup and sandwich shop down the street."

"That sounds great." Half an hour later, Daniel, Amarvus, and Arthur were eating lunch and talking about Daniel's little adventure. Arthur seemed to be very interested in the story, asking questions often. At one point, Amarvus asked if Arthur could sit next to him. He still seemed nervous around him and Amarvus wanted to ease his worries. Arthur nervously walked up to Amarvus and sat down next to him. Amarvus gently placed an arm around his shoulders and spoke.

"He asked if that's ok."

"Uh, yeah, this is fine." Arthurleaned up against Amarvus and tried to relax. "Heh, you're very tactile, aren'tyou?" Amarvus gave a little laugh and pat his shoulder. "I'll take that as ayes." Arthur gave a small smile as he leaned in further. They all ended upfalling asleep in the garden against each other. It had been a long day for allof them.

A/N: Woo! These chapters are starting to catch up with me. Thanks for reading! Have a question? Leave a comment. I love getting comments from you guys!

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