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HAVE fun, get drunk and drown your problems in one go. That's the plan you had in mind tonight.

Your steps were heavy as you dragged yourself to the familiar mansion you've gone to a few times — but not in these kinds of situations.

Neon lights bouncing off the walls and through the windows, loud music blasting while people scattered all over the place. It's pure luck that the entire property was located kilometers away from the heart of the city and instead, is perched near a cliff, way past the heart of the forest. So yeah, no complaining neighbors to worry about, alright.

It's private property after all.

"Elle, you made it!" A handsome face pops out from the opened door after you've knocked about eight times. A smile crept into your face at the sight of him.

"Am I late, Woo?" You ask with a chuckle. Your friend was quick to shake his head and pull you inside the house. "Not at all, silly!" He exclaims so you can hear him past the blaring music from the stereos. It was almost deafening. Thank god, Wooyoung drags you away from it, past the dancing bodies reeking of sweat and alcohol and brings you somewhere upstairs.

You figured he'd bring you to his friends. Frankly, Wooyoung is friends with every single soul in the university he goes to. But these friends you're talking about are his close-knitted ones. One he'd sell his kidneys for.

You see, you're Wooyoung's childhood friend, which made you special, his words not yours. And these friends of his, seven in total, were strangers he encountered with and stuck to in highschool and ever since then, they were like brothers, a family, inseparable.

You weren't exactly as close to them as Wooyoung is, but you can say you've had quite a few fun times with them too. They were nice and they made you comfortable with them. But...it's you.

The problem lies in you.

You had, still have, trust issues. The reason why you don't have close friends, (not that you mind) just like how Wooyoung has one. You find it hard to let people in, in your life.

Being solo is nice, but sometimes you can't deny but crave for something or someone who you can have by your side too.

That doesn't matter right now though. You're here to get wasted, hopefully.

Wooyoung leads you through a hallway, past rooms and more rooms until you finally reach the end. You both stop in front of a blue door. Wooyoung knocks.

"You're back than — Elle?" Yeosang, the quiet fellow of the group, gasps, as he sees you beside Wooyoung. You offer him a friendly wave.

Out of all the seven guys, Yeosang is one of those who you're closest with. With his quiet nature, you can't help but gravitate towards him and his company because you're one as well.

"I can't believe Wooyoung was right this time. You did came." Yeosang adds, with a smile that tells you he's more than happy to see you here, and then he ushers you in.

Wooyoung has invited you a lot of times to go to his parties. But out of all the 15 invitations he made, this was the only one you appeared to.

What can you say, you're desperate now

Inside, your mouth gapes at the sight of the private room. In the middle, there was an abstract carpet, a few leather couches circling a coffee table filled with assorted magazines and game consoles, a flat-screen tv and a crackling fireplace with warm heat.

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