"Let's make cookies." I say, pulling them to the kitchen.


"Yeah, why not?"

"Do you know how to make cookies?"

"No. We can just look it up."


"Stop laughing at me."

"I'm not!" Charlie giggles.

"You are." 

"Why would you put that much sugar in?"

"I didn't think they'd melt like that!"

"I told you to follow the recipe!"

"It's too late now. Help me open these windows to let the smoke out."

We burned the cookies. They melted, so I suggested we let them cook a little longer, but then we got distracted. The smoke alarm going off is the only reason we remembered the cookies.

The doorbell rings, and I frown. "Let me get that."

And oh my lord. I've always thought firefighters were hot, but this guy...

"Hi. What can I do for you?"

"Is something wrong? We got a call down at the station about a smoke alarm going off here."

"Oh. We-the food burned. We're fine."

 I watch his muscles flex as he reaches for a walkie talkie. "Alright then. You're alright?"

"I mean," I drag my eyes down his body. "I certainly wouldn't mind if you checked on my-"


Fuck. I forgot.

The firefighters eyes flick from me to Charlie, who glares at him. "You two have a nice day. Be careful."

"We will." Charlie says flatly.

I close the door as he leaves. "Sweetheart-"

"You were flirting with him." They say, their voice small.

"I know, darling. I'm sorry. Harper and I weren't monogamous, and we forgot to talk to you about that, and I'm really attracted to firefighters. I'm so sorry."

I open my arms, silently asking for a hug. They step into my arms, burying their face in my shirt.

When I start to pull away, they don't let go of my shirt. "You don't smell like me." They mumble.

"I don't?"

"No. You don't-I need to scent you. Then he won't flirt with you."


They slip their hand into mine, pulling me to the bedroom. I raise an eyebrow, but follow silently.

When we're in the bedroom, they climb onto my lap, nudging their nose against my neck. They hold onto my shirt, as if to make sure I won't leave, and I flatten my hands over their waist.

"Mine." They mumble, their body pressing into me. "You're mine."

Their hips roll slowly, their thighs tightening around my waist. They nuzzle my neck, grinding their body against me slow.

"You're mine, and you're going to smell like me. 'Cause you're mine."

"Charlie..." I murmur.

They ignore me, and continue to move against me. I let them, tilting my head back when their lips find a place on my neck. They suck there, their teeth nipping at my skin. Their hips rock into me, and I can't hide my hard-on.

"You're gonna breed me, and m'gonna smell like you."

They move directly over my cock, rubbing me between their thighs. Their lips move to my chest, and I touch the mark on my neck.

They're really possessive.

"Charlie, sweetheart-" I start, but they find my weak spot, kissing the spot just under my chin. I groan as they suck there, grinding their hips into me.

When they pull away, they examine me before moving off my lap. "Mine." They say one more time, before biting their lip. They leave the room, and I lay back, panting. I've got to call Harper.

"It has literally been two hours." Is the first thing she says.

"I think I made Charlie upset." I groan.

"What? What did you do? Are they okay?"

"We forgot to ask them about the relationship being open, and I was flirting with a firefighter, and they got mad, then they scented me, then-"

"A firefighter?"

"Yeah, the smoke alarm went off. Point is, I've got a giant ass hickey on my neck, and they're in the other room."

"Talk to Jake."

"I don't want to talk to-hi Jake."

"Hi." He chirps. "They scented you?"

He is a hybrid. "Yeah, and now they're mad at me."

"Go somewhere public with them. Somewhere with a lot of hybrids."


"So others can smell them on you. It'll make them feel good. Just let them know how much you love them."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay."

"If you hurt them, Jordan-" Harper starts.

"I won't. They'll be fine by the time we call tonight."

When we hang up, I walk out of the room to find Charlie. I find them on the couch in the living room, curled up against one side.

"Sweetheart?" I say. They don't move, eyes on the tv.

I bite my lip. Are they really mad at me?

"You want to go on a date?" I ask.

They look up.

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