Chapter 8: Pancakes & Kisses

Depuis le début


"Can I give you clues?" he asked, his tan cheeks turning slightly pink. I nodded eagerly.

"hmm... Well he, umm..ugh, I'm trying to think of something that's not to obvious," he said licking his lips.

"What about...what color are his eyes?"

"No, that's a dead give away, there's only two brown eyed people in the band and one is me, you'll totally guess it if I said what color his eyes were," he said.

I stopped jumping up and down and smiled at Zayn. I don't think he realizes what he said. He practically screamed his name....

"What?" he asked giving me a look once he realized I wasn't talking only smiling at him. "What?" he whined again.

"Liam." I stated. He gave me wide eyes and I was surprised his brown orbs didn't fall off.

"How'd- wait, you can read minds?!" he exclaimed. I laughed and shook my head. "Then? How'd you know it was him?" he asked puzzled.

"You gave it away!" I laughed.

"How?" he asked still confused.

"You said," I cleared my throat and began talking in a deep voice, "'..there's only two brown eyed people in the band and one is me, you'll totally guess it if I said what color his eyes were,'" I stopped talking in a deep voice, "the only other person with brown eyes is Liam," I finished smirking. His mouth formed the 'Oh' shape and I laughed.

"Yeah..." he said sheepishly, "you can't tell anyone, Eh?" he warned.

"I won't," I promised.

"Well, I better leave, this leprechaun and this bad boy need their beauty sleep," he said as he got up. I laughed and buried my body under the warm blankets.

"Night Zaynie," I yawned.

"Night Niall," he whispered, then he turned off the lights and closed the door. I sighed. It felt great sharing my feelings. I felt light like a feather, and right before I dozed of into the land of dreams I caught myself smiling. I don't know why, but I felt happy.

Liam's POV.

I was walking around the house turning off all the lights and making sure all the windows and doors were locked. When I finished with the first floor, I started walking up stairs and met Zayn halfway. He was slightly blushing?...

"Hey Zayn,"

"Oh, hey Liam," his cheeks became a rosy colored pink but you had to look closely to be able to see it because his olive skin color covered it up. "where are the boys?" he asked starting to walk up the stairs with me.

"Louis' energy crashed down so he went to sleep. Harry was mad for some reason after Melissa left so he just left to his room," I shrugged.

"Oh, well then I guess I better go to sleep to," he yawned as we reached the hallway that lead to our rooms.

"Okay mate," I patted his back. He nodded walking towards his door and I to mine. I watched him go inside and close his door. When I opened mine and was about to walk in, his door opened again.


"Yeah?" I said turning in his direction.

"What are our plans for tomorrow?" he asked. I looked up at the ceiling in thought.

"Well, we were going to do a signing of a book that got published of us, but because the rain won't stop, I think we're going to have to cancel it since the signing is outside in a park," I said. He nodded.

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