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Minho sat patiently in his AP world history class. it was currently his favorite class. He loved his teacher and the topic was fascinating. Learning about the rise and collapse of so many civilizations awed him. It reminded him of friendships. The inevitable rise and crash of most friendships.

He hoped he'd never hit that point with his current friends. He considered them his family at this point. Well, most of them. Minho liked to ignore that little... factor. 

Minho sighed when the bell rang. Great, he had drifted off into space again. Normally school was a breeze for him. He was top 3 in his class and had never once gotten lower than a B and that was still only once. 

Recently school had been hard for him to concentrate on. All he could think about was his future. Minho was in his senior year along with Chan. Chan seemed to have his future all planned out. Minho did not. It scared Minho shitless that he had no plans for his future. It seemed like even the Juniors had plans. Chan had already decided to go to college, Minho didn't even know what college he'd begin trying to apply to. Wherever Chan and the group went he knew he'd follow though. That was the only somewhat idea he had.

Minho had always had a passion for dance. He used to dream of owning a studio. His parents disapproved of his hobby saying it was taking time out of school. He at one point was the best male dancer in his studio and was on his way to being professional. It scared his parents that he wouldn't go to college if he accepted it and kept dancing for the studio. So, they made him quit freshman year. It changed every plan he had up to that point. Every dream, crushed. 

It was only November so he had an entire semester to thing these decisions through. All Minho knew was he had to give up on dance to keep his family happy. So as of now, he was back to square one with plans. Luckily he had people like Chan in his life to help guide him. 

 Chan was in this class with him. It was nice having him to break him out of his daydream. He needed a ride back to reality to not swim in the anger and frustration he had over himself. Chan always had a good sense in when people were lost in thought. 

"Ready for lunch?" Chan said with a small smile. He already had his backpack packed and on. Minho nodded and grabbed his stuff. 

The two made their way down the hallway. They went to a medium sized school. there were only about 2000 kids who attended. Just enough to make hallways during lunch a nightmare to navigate. Chan grabbed Minho's arm and let him into the lunch room. 

Chan always had a habit of grabbing the groups hands or arms and guiding them. It was his own little protective thing that Minho had always loved. It came off so comforting to everyone because they knew Chan was always there to protect them. Even though they were practically the same age, Chan had always been like Minho's older brother. He always protected him and led him out of harms way. Never once had Chan been wrong. Except for Jisung. 

Minho remembered the week after they first started fighting. Chan came over to his house to play video games and wouldn't leave the topic alone. No matter how much Minho tried to ignore it Chan wouldn't drop it.

"So, what happened with you and Jisung?" Chan asked while pausing the game and setting his controller down. Minho could feel his teeth clench. The room suddenly felt suffocating. Minho could feel Chans stare. "Look, whatever happened I'm sure he didn't mean. Jisung loves you Min, he'd never hurt you."

"You need to leave." Is all Minho said in response. 

Chan tried to protest and apologize but Minho cut him off again.

"Chan, Leave. Now." Minho was almost seething in anger. He tried not to direct it at Chan. He knew he was just curious. Minho couldn't control himself. The wound was to fresh and Chan was just picking at it.

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