Hoax Hoes

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  "I'm mad at him, 

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"I'm mad at him, 

he tricked me tricked me

had me wishing for something I couldn't have"

Chishiya and I have been dating for almost a month now. some people might think that a month is barely enough, which is true since dating him is such a mystery. I thought I was good at reading people, not until I met him. I kept on asking things about him, although instead of answering, he would give me that dead smile of his. For me, he was a puzzle I can't ever solve.

You plopped your butt into the bed, not really planning anything. You growled feeling all useless since you can't really do anything but zone out. You grabbed the blanket next to you and wrapped it all over your body. It was colder than before, it'd be nice if he was here, because his presence gives you an unusual warmth. 

You heard the sound of the doorknob clicking, so you quickly sat from the bed and waited for him to enter. "I'm home" he gently said, in which you happily answered, "Welcome Back". He sat next to you, laying his head down on the bed. He looked serious than before, which made you worry.

You gently brushed your hand on his locks, attempting to calm him down. Y "I lied" he suddenly spoke, not facing you. "For what?" you asked, "I lied about everything".

You rose your brows, not catching anything right. You pulled his head properly facing him to your level. He didn't avoid your gaze, he simply stared at you with his usual bored face. He looked like he didn't care, but you on the other hand felt this baffling sensation near your chest. Were you nervous or just paranoid? you yourself don't know, so you kept silent waiting for him to give you an explanation for his strange behavior.

"Everything about this relationship was nothing to me, I lied about liking you, I didn't even have interest in you from the first place". You clenched the sheet of your bed trying to comprehend every word... he was joking, right? 

"You might think I'm joking, but everything has a reason to it". 'Reasons? what kind of bullshit of a reason does he have?!'. "I thought that having a connection with someone would finally give me the answers that I want, It might even open something inside me, but expecting is the birth of disappointment, in which I felt from you."

You clenched your jaws, preventing yourself from spilling these pathetic tears inside you. You wanted him to stop explaining because It was slowly breaking you, but a part of you wants a definite answer, you don't want to have any regrets anymore. Listening might be a good idea so you let him continue.

"Being with you was like playing a very boring game and I'm the player who's trying to convince myself that it would be fun if I kept on going, but instead of having fun, I ended up getting tired. I was tired of your questions that I don't want to answer, I was tired of your stories that I wasn't interested in, I was basically tired of everything you did, you were useless to me because you didn't give me the feeling that I badly want to feel."

"Then why did you continue dating me?" you interrupted while preventing yourself from shouting from rage. "I like it when you cook for me, no one has ever than that, not even my mother" he answered. 'Why does it has to be that? why can't you just say you don't know, it would just make it harder for me to fucking forget you'

"Then... isn't that a valid reason for you to stay...". 'I hate it when I beg, fuck this'

"It is." he bluntly answered, "Then why don't you stay?!" you accidentally shouted.

"I wasn't planning on leaving, you were just assuming". He shifted close to you, placing his warm palms on your cheeks drenched in hot tears. "You may be boring, but I've realized something, being with you was kind of nice, your hugs are warm, your company's nice, and you playing with my hair takes my stress away. those stupid reasons are enough for me, so don't plan on changing". He hugs you tightly, not wanting to let you go.

To be continued...

MAZE-chishiya shuntaro-

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-chishiya shuntaro-

- Ummm... The ending was kind of cringey... excuse that. I don't like this at all, it's kind of lackluster so yeah...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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