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Hermione was the first to react. She shot Blaise square in the chest with the accuracy of an Olympic shooter, but this didn't seem to faze the mer. I yelped and jumped onto the coffee table, but Blaise was faster. Before I could regain my footing, he jumped on me and the both of us tumbled off the table and onto the floor.

Fear settled in my stomach and I struggled to fight him. He was on top of me which gave him the higher ground. I gripped his shoulders, keeping his face, more specifically his teeth, away from my body. The wild look in his eyes scared me so much all I wanted to do was sink into the floor and dissappear, but I was loosing strength and Blaise was getting harder to keep away.

Another loud shot made me flinch and Blaise flew off me from the force of a bullet. Hermione's face a was splattered with blood, her chest heaving. Harry scrambled to help me up.

We all stared at Blaise, who was breathing heavily on the floor. His chest was bleeding, creating a pool of blood on the light grey hardwood floor, seeping into the carpet.

"He's bleeding out," Draco said, worry arching his eyebrows into a frown. Being the surgeon, I could imagine he knew exactly how much time Blaise had before his bullet wounds got the better of him. "I can take out the bullets and heal him, but he's too-"

The blonde faltered, but I knew exactly what he wanted to say. "Wild."

Draco nodded, pushing his hair which was still bloody from the cut he'd gotten, off his face.

I didn't want to go any nearer to Blaise, but I also didn't want him to die and latter option won over the first one. Taking a deep breath, my arms still aching from holding Blaise away from me, I took a step closer to him and immediately backed away.

Blaise looked up and snarled so loudly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. He reached for me but stumbled, returning to the floor. Hermione side glanced him, her expression between fear and pity. "Draco, maybe he'll let you? You did help him back on the island," she suggested and Draco sneered. "You seem to have forgotten he was unconscious?" He hissed and Hermione scowled at him.

"Uh, guys?" Harry whispered urgently, motioning to Blaise with his head, "He doesn't look too good."

On the contrary, Blaise's head was leaning against his chest and his breathing had become slower and more raged. Draco squared his shoulders and took charge.

"McLaggen, he seems to like you the most out of all of us. I need you to take him outside and lay him flat on the ground and put pressure on the wounds. Can you do that?"

McLaggen, who I hadn't noticed had been standing in the far end of the room, holding his shoulder frowned before nodding. The fact that he'd retreated into the corner with his hand moving protectively to his injured shoulder immediately confirmed my suspicions that Blaise had attacked him at some point.

McLaggen walked towards Blaise and knelt next to him. The mer didn't move, a good sign that he liked Cormac, and a bad sign that he was too weak to move on his own.

"Hey, B. I'm going to pick you up and carry you into the rain, alright? You'll like the rain. It's going to help."

Blaise's head moved slowly, but he nodded. He let McLaggen scoop him up bridal style. Cormac glared at me before leaving the room and walking out onto the patio where he lay Blaise down on the grass before sitting cross-legged next to him.

I had to admit, I was beginning to become jealous of the maintenance worker. He'd been the one to get Blaise out of Finch Labs. He'd managed to get the mer here and seemed to be the only person Blaise would let close to him.

Draco ran into the kitchen and came back with his large medical bag and a bucket of water. "Weasley, are you alright?" He asked. I didn't know if he was asking because I'd just been attacked my a merman, or because I was glaring at McLaggen's back like a middle-schooler glaring at a maths test.

"Y-yeah. Thanks,"

Draco nodded and hefted the sloshing bucket of water in his arms. Harry glowered.

"When you're done the four of us need to talk. I don't know if we can trust him," Harry said, motioning to McLaggen. None of us objected. Draco kissed his boyfriend on the cheek and left to help Blaise. Hermione, Harry and I all fell on the same couch, staring at the broken coffee table that evidently had my footprints on it.

I remembered something that brought a small smile to my face. "That was some pro shooting, 'Mione," I mentioned and she blushed, rolling her eyes. I mustered a chuckle. "I'm serious! I know why you chose the lawyer thing from the cop thing but you'd make a great deputy. You'd be even better than Ernie," I said and Harry snorted. Hermione laughed, brushing a strand of brown hair out of her face. I was relieved to hear her laugh after the few weeks we'd had. Though she still seemed to have not noticed the blood on her cheeks.

"Ernie McMillan is certainly better than you two. Even at school," she stated and both Harry and I simultaneously glared at her. "On the contrary, I was quite good book mates with him. We shared and compared marks,"

I glanced at Harry and knew we were thinking the exact same thing. Only people like 'Mione and Ernie would willingly compare test answers.

We continued to talk, trying to lighten the mood. Unbeknownst of the silent commotion happening outside the patio doors...

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