A Fish On A Hook

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I woke up to silence. Which immediately meant something had gone terribly wrong. In my groggy state, I got off of the floor and looked around. Apparently, my friends had decided against moving me from the Entrance Hall, in front of the door where I'd valiantly passed out.

I glared at the peep hole where I'd seen those bright eyes, as blinding and as unforgiving as the surface of the sun. Shaking my head angrily, I ran into the living room and stopped dead I my tracks. The gash that had already been stitched up on Draco's forehead was bleeding and his metallic eyes were extremely unfocused. Fussing over his boyfriend, Harry was ignoring his stiff, probably injured arm as he tended to the blonde's wounds. I couldn't help but notice his gun, a standard glock 19 lying on the floor beside where he knelt.

Hermione looked more or less alright, but she was shaking so badly I would've thought she were freezing in the North Pole. But my three friends weren't the only people in the room, I noticed. Cormac McLaggen was staring out of the patio doors with his arms crossed stiffly, his back towards the rest of us. His dirty blonde-brown hair was tussled, slightly bloody on one side. Beneath his mauve tank top his left shoulder was half-haserdly wrapped in bandages, blood already beginning to soak through.

I had completely forgotten about the call we'd had back at the precinct. I'd told him Draco's address and gave him a time to meet but I'd gotten so side tracked with this military thing that I'd forgotten. Cormac had claimed he had something for me. A gift. Now I knew was it was and I didn't exactly know how to feel about it.

"Where is it?" I asked, surprising myself. I had stopped referring to Blaise as 'it' a long time ago, but seeing my friends hurt again brought up some bad habits and even worse memories.

Harry stood up and rounded on me.

"Well bloody thank you  for passing out!" he snapped, slapping my chest. His intense green glare was so penatrating I was afraid to look him in the eyes for too long. Compared to me, Harry was short. But he'd been through his fair share of hard trials and he was one of the most terrifying people I knew. I gulped.

"Potter," Draco warned, leaning forward from the couch. He touched his arm gently. Harry tensed before relaxing only slightly, his shoulders dropping. His voice became more level, void of anger and full of frustration and tiredness. "Hermione managed to handcuff his hands and feet while we held him down. He's outside."

Harry's expression suddenly became guarded and suspicious. I'd seen the look a thousand times when interrogating people on the job. He glanced behind him, at McLaggen who hadn't moved a mustle and rose his eyebrow. Can we trust him?

To be honest, I didn't know the answer myself.

"You really pissed him off, Weasley," Cormac said all of a sudden and I sneered. "What do you mean?" I asked, slowly walking towards him and he winced, trying to shift his injured shoulder. I wonder what had happened?

"He told me what you did. Luring him in and then letting him go. Like a fish on a hook," he said and I didn't know whether to feel angry or ashamed. Though his back was facing me, I could see his reflection in the glass door and he could see mine.

I could tell he was angry and I understood why he would be. But at the same time, the look in his blue eyes looked more resentful than angry.

I decided to ignore his comment. I was done feelig sorry for myself, ashamed for what I had done. For now at least.

"You said he was outside-" I started, glaring at the bleak, grey sky and the Malfoy's lavish backyard and patio. "Where?"

Cormac opened the double patio doors and walked outside. After about five minutes, he came back lugging something in his arms, his face contorting with pain.

My heart clenched and I suddenly backed away from the door, bumping into the coffee table behind me. Hermione, Harry and Draco all stood up and joined me as McLaggen closed the doors and set the creature sitting against them, his head bowed.

The four of us stared at him, waiting for any sign that he was even alive.

He looked up and I took in a breath sharper than a razor. Harry gripped his gun. My hand found its way to my belt and I was shocked to find my gun wasn't even there. Then I noticed the glock in Hermione's shaking hands as she held it at her side.

Hmm, I thought. Would I have to send her to jail for stealing my gun?

Blaise glared at me for so long I wondered if time had slowed. Everything we had been through together flooded back into my brain so quickly I thought I'd black out again.

Meeting on the docks of Mage Island just before the sun rose. His sneaking into my hotel room to lick my face and seduce me. When I found him on the beach during a storm, bleeding to death from a fish hook lodged in his arm. When I'd thrown salty water at him to prove he was a mer to Harry and he'd dragged me into the pool. Pansy saving me from his grasp. Finding Theodore in the surf of the west beach. His protecting the other mer like family. When he'd played with my fingers at the lab after I'd been the only person able to feed him, unbeknownst of what he'd done to my friends due to the amnesia.

When I'd kissed him. Right before breaking his heart...

Blaise growled as if responding to my thoughts. His teeth were sharp like a sharks, coated ever so slightly with blood.

Despite how scared I was, I couldn't figure out if my heart was beating faster because I knew Blaise wanted to kill me, or because of how amazing he managed to look.

His dark skin had gotten lighter since he'd been indoors all this time. But it was still smooth and bronze, like burnt sienna. His angular face was sculpted into a sneer that showed off his blinding albeit bloody teeth. His slanted eyes, though darker than ink were so alight with anger and malice I felt like he were choking me by just looking at me.

I had to remind myself that he wanted to kill me, for I nearly asked for the keys to the handcuffs. There was a tugging sensation in my gut that gave me the urge to help him, to free him and hold him in my arms. But I couldn't decide whether that feeling was guilt or lust...

"Hey, mate."

I mentally face-palmed. Harry, Draco, Hermione and  McLaggen all stared at me as if I'd gone quite insane. Blaise's growl was the only thing that kept up on our toes.

"Hey," the Mer sneered and I felt the colour return to my cheeks. I'd forgotten how much this man - this, this.... creature turned me on. His voice rolled over me like a rolling pin and I hated to say it, but I suddenly craved to hear it screaming my name.

"Blaise, are you okay?" I was shocked when Hermione spoke. She hadn't uttered a word since I'd woken up. Blaise hesitated before shaking his head and my heart stumbled. Guilt was eating at me from the inside out and I couldn't just stand here whilst the source of that guilt was hundcuffed in front of me.

I knelt down to be eye level with the mer. His eyes flashed brightly. Taking a large risk, I held out my hand and felt his shoulder which was drying up from being inside. Blaise flinched as I softly trailed my hand up his neck and let it rest on his cheek. He avoided my gaze, but his eyes had clouded over with unshead tears.

I blinked my own tears out of my eyes, leaned forward and kissed him.

Despite his skin drying out, his lips were smooth and tasted metallic. But I ignored the blood. He kissed back, softly, just like our last kiss before I'd let him go. But now, having him in my grasp, I never wanted to let go again.

Blaise tensed so violently I backed away against the coffee table. Two loud metal snaps sounded around him and before I realized what had happened, the mer lunged. His eyes feral, his teeth aiming for my throat.

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