Dangerous Possibilities

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"The two of you will be released from your posts and have temporarily become part of Sergeant Finnigan's regiment!" General Moody stated as he lumbered out of Finch Labs.

Harry and I glanced at each other, shock etched in our expressions.

The military wanted he and I to look for Blaise?

Also- Blaise had been kidnapped?!

We approached a large black and green camo painted SUV. The insignia of the British Army painted on its doors. Sergeant Finnigan opened the boot and took out two large, black briefcases the size of a tenor saxophone cases and put them both before our feet. He handed us a thick, blank folder.

"Amunition, tranquilizers and everything else we use to confine and or restrain the mers." He motioned to the cases. In his hand, he held the file as if it were a bomb. "And this is the file on everything you have on them?" Harry asked, taking the papers from the Sergeant. Finnigan nodded. "This should be more than enough to find Speciman B."

Beside me, Umbridge's eye twitched, though she kept a smile. I could tell our promotion was eating away at her. She cleared her throat and batted her eyes. "With all do respect, General. Are you and Dr McLaggen sureb Weasley and Potter are right for the job? Surely they'd need help-"

Moody held up a hand to stop her, his electric blue eye spinning under its eyepatch. "Of course they're right! I trust Terrence's judgment. He's been a great help to us, with his research!" He grinned, patting McLaggen on the back happily. Moody's pat must've been heavy for the scientist stumbled under the force of the General's hand which brought a momentary smile to my face.

General Moody turned to us and his face immediately became serious once again.

"Listen, lads. Specimen B is of utmost importance to us. No one, and I mean no one will know about this meeting, eh? If you tell anyone, I'd either have to kill you or you'd spend the rest of your sorry days in a small, metal box with your mouth stapled shut, got it?"

Harry and I simultaneously said, "Yes Sir."

Seeming to have gotten his point across, Moody smiled again. "Well then, we're done here. You two will inform Sergeant Finnigan here of your progress. He will relay what you have said to me."

"Yes Sir," Harry and I said again. Moody huffed. "Good. I expect good things from you boys. I don't want to remind you how powerful these creatures are. So, don't die, yeah?"

And with those inspirational last words, Moody hobbled towards the door and a soldier appeared, letting him inside and then closing the car door behind him.

I looked around for Umbridge and was shocked to find that she'd already left with her car. How we'd be getting back to the precinct? I had no clue.

Similar to Umrbidge, Terrence McLaggen had disappeared back into Finch Labs.

Sergeant Finnigan cleared his throat and smiled nervously. "Sorry about Mad Eye. He can be a little..... well, you know-"

"Mad?" Harry asked and Finnigan smirked, staring at the ground. "Yeah." He shook his head and blinked, as if remembering that Moody was still his superior and was still waiting for him in the car. "Uh, right then. Here's my card. I'll expect reports on your progress ever second day, if that's alright?"

Again, I was taken aback at how young and innocent Sergeant Finnigan seemed. He looked young, sounded like a teenager and even asked if it was okay we report to him. It was quite hard to believe he was in the army. As a Sergeant no less...

Harry took the card and stuffed it in his pocket. "Thanks-"

"Seamus," the Sergeant said, smiling playfully. We shook his hands and bid him goodbye.

I called an Uber and Harry and I drove home with millions of Galleons in guns, a Top Secret: Classified file and a large dent in the center of my heart. Threatening to shatter the organ entirely. I knew deep down, that I'd be seeing my mer sooner rather than later...

. . .

"Blaise is missing?" Draco asked, astounded. Hermione, Harry, Draco and I all sat in the living room off Malfoy Manor. Outside large French doors the vast garden showed signs of a upcoming storm. The grey-blue walls held photos of the Malfoy family over the years. The white couches we sat on were usually extremely comfortable, but today I couldn't shake the unease out of me.

"Yeah. He went missing last night," Harry stated, glowering at the floor. I could tell he was just as unhappy as I was. "And what of Theodore and Pansy?" Hermione added, worry coating her words. I knew she was trying to hide how much she cared, but she was was doing a bit of a shoddy job at it.

"Still there. What are we supposed to do ?" Harry wondered more to himself than the rest of us. I groaned and ran both hands through my already tussled hair. I glared at the two enormous briefcases full of supplies, as well as the thick file containing everything the military knew about mers, more specifically Specimen B.

Answering Harry's question I said, "The only thing we can do right now, is figure out how to get Pansy and Theo out of there. We can't let the military do whatever they're doing to their mer to ours."

Draco, Harry and Hermione all gaped at me, horrified and shocked looks on their faces.

"What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

Hermione's eye twitched.

"The army have a mer?"

I gulped. Her voice was as hollow as a sunken ship. She glared at me with such intensity it brought back a sweeping sense of nostalgia from our high school years.

I gulped down my sudden nervousness and blinked. "Bill told me. He was fired for seeing it on accident."

There was silence for a long time. Too long. It began to drizzle. The chilly wind gliding through the open windows, wiping my hair around my face. I felt we all knew the danger of the situation. The dangers of weaponizing such a deadly creature to invoke harm. Blaise had killed three armed, well trained officers with only his strength, his animal instinct and his hunger. Who knows what that type of power could do to an opposing army.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut short when the doorbell rang. Draco rose an arched eyebrow. "Are we expecting someone?" He asked and I glanced at Hermione and Harry who just shrugged in return. We got up to see who was at the door and I looked through the peephole.

And just like that, I proceeded to faint.

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