[2] plesant, calm, ponyville: part 2

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"Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here." Nightmare Moon points out and ponies seem to be giving the new pony suspicious looks, considering she knew. "You're here to... to..." the new pony seems to quiet down, an expression of concern and terror on her face. Nightmare Moon let's out a chuckle at the expression. "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last."

"From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Thunder crashes as Nightmare Moon's laughter commences, and her mane, as well as her tail, begin to grow and swirl above her head. Then, she takes notice of Ice Blossom suddenly, and suddenly her interest is peaked.


"Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!" Mayor Mare orders, and the guards do not hesitate to fly straight for Nightmare Moon. "Stand back, you fools!" Her eyes suddenly glow white and thunder strikes the guards, causing them to be thrown back.

She proceeds to laugh and soon that mist engulfs her and she goes straight for Ice Blossom. The pegasus doesn't seem to take notice until too late, while her friends yell her name all in unison and then she's just — gone. And that mist goes straight for the doors and in a matter of moment is flying off through the sky, while the guards lay, weak, on the floor.

...a few hours pass...

Ice Blossom soon flutters her eyes open, she finds herself surrounded by a place which is unfamiliar to her. She groans to herself as she slowly stands up to her hooves. She moves forward slightly, but is suddenly, and abruptly, forced to a halt. She is confused but then looks back and sees that same mist, wrapped around her waist and wings. Trapping her in place.

She doesn't understand, that is until Nightmare Moon is in front of her in a matter of seconds. Ice Blossom backs away from the alicorn in front of her slightly. "What did you do? Why am I here??" She's frightened but still trying to remain brave.

"That's right, you don't remember." Nightmare Moon leans towards Ice Blossom, causing her to draw back even more. "Well, I suppose I'll explain why I've brought you here, since you can't remember." But before Nightmare Moon could, something else gains her attention. "Guess it'll have to wait, but only for a moment, Ice Blossom."

Then, Nightmare Moon is gone, leaving Ice Blossom alone and confused. But only seconds after Nightmare Moon is gone, she's back again, five cylinders floating around. And suddenly, Ice Blossom notices that new mare, a few feet from Nightmare Moon. Ice Blossom is trapped in the back, next to the shattered window, her eyes going wide as Nightmare Moon chuckles. This mare seems to challenge Nightmare Moon, hunkering down and readying herself to gallop.

"You're kidding. You're kidding, right?" The unicorn doesn't seem to be, her face filled with determination as she suddenly charges for Nightmare Moon. Magic forming and sparking around her horn, transparent, and a purple hue. That's when Nightmare Moon begins charging for the unicorn as well, as the magic only becomes more intense around her horn.

Determination never leaving her face and just as she reaches Nightmare Moon, light engulfs her, making Nightmare Moon come to a very abrupt halt and slide ever so slightly. Ice Blossom watches as that bright light appears at the podium, in the middle of the five round stones. With shapes carved into them. "Just one spark. Come on, come on."

Magic once again surrounds her horn, while she focuses, eyes shut tight, and soon that magic surrounds the five cylinders, Ice Blossom watches in silence. Only to see a very angry Nightmare Moon surround herself with that mist, which seems to be her mane and tail. That mist violently swirls and then shoots down, only to vanish once again, and then appears Nightmare Moon, in front of the unicorn just as a harsh spark ignites from the round stones, and violently throw the unicorn back. The unicorn lands on her back, no doubt in slight pain from the throw and rough landing. Magic begins bouncing off one stone to another, in a circle and Nightmare Moon is — frightened from the look of things.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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