"Come on lets go, we can't be late" Presley says.

        As soon as they got down the stairs we saw the guys, Presley went straight to Dom. "You look beautiful Pres" he says before he gives her a kiss. Presley blushes as they pull away.

" You don't look so bad yourself" she says with a slight laugh.

He gives her a look,  " Really Pres, not bad I think I look better than not bad" he says.

"Fine you look so good its unbelievable. Also, is that alright if I ride with you tonight ?I need to work on my car a bit" Presley asks as she and Dom walk out of the house hand in hand the rest of the team behind them.

"Yeah or course, baby" he says, giving her a kiss on the forehead as they get to his car.

Meanwhile at the race:

Once Brian arrives at the race he steps out of his car and is looking around the racing scene. Hector sees Brian standing and just looking around.

"Hold up, hold up. Look at this snowman right here" he says with a smirk on his face. Brian just gives him a smile in reply as Hector goes on," Sweet ride. What you running under there, man" Hector asks, as Brian doesn't answer again he continues, " Going to make me find out the hard way".

This time Brian answers with a smirk " Hell yeah". Hector just laughs at this, "You brave.You brave. They call me Hector and I got a last name too, but I can't pronounce it".

Brian smiles" Brian Spilner" he replies to Hector.

"Typical White boy name, know what I'm saying?" Brian just nods in reply." My baby. I ain't cutting her loose tonight".

"Why not" Brian asks. "I'm going legit, homey. Trying to get on the NIRA circuit. Heard about that?" Hector asks. Brian nods,"Hell yeah". "So, what's up with you, man?" Hector asks. " Just waiting for Toretto " replies.

Edwin sees Hector and Brian talking and walks over
"Shit you better get in line. This yours?" Edwin as with a smirk looking the car over.

"I'm standing next to it" Brian replies.

"That's funny. You know, Edwin happens to know a few things.And one of the things Edwin knows is: It's not how you stand by your car...its how you race your car. You better know that. Since it's your first race you better also stay away from Presley or Dom will have your head" he says, which causes Brian to give him a look. "Oh, shit. Here they come" Edwin says as they hear their cars coming.

The ride was pretty quiet, as they approach the race everyone spreads out leaving room for them. Presley looks at the scene and rolls her eyes at all the racer chasers getting ready for Dom. As Dom gets out of the car she sees him go over to Camille and Monica, Letty goes over to Presley and wraps her arm around her.

They walk over to where Dom is "You did? Of course you did. Monica." they hear him say

   Presley is sick of this so she steps forward," I smell skanks. Why don't you girls pack it up, before I leave tread marks on your face." Presley says , they just nod and go away. Letty walks towards the team as Dom pulls Presley forward and cups her face with his hands.

"Come on Pres I was just talking, there is nothing going on except talking, okay?" he says she just nods as Dom wraps his arm around her shoulder,"I love you Presley Charlie Jones and nothing anyone could ever do would make me stop" he whispers to her, in reply she leans more into Doms hold as they walk towards Hector.

"Okay Hector" Dom says. Hector walks over and they do their bro handshake, "Yo, what's up? Hey Pres" Hector says.

" Hey Hector how is your mom doing?" Presley asks.

"She doing pretty good, she misses your baking though" he says with a laugh.

"Alright I'll have to make something for her soon" Presley says with a small smile , which causes Dom to look down at her in awe at how kind she is to others.

"How we doing this tonight?" Edwin asks walking over.

"One ease 2,000 buy-in. Winner takes all. Hector, you're going to hold the cash"Dom says.

" Why Hector?"one of the racers asks.

Edwin steps in, "Cause he's to slow to make away with the money", everyone starts laughing at what Edwin says even Dom cracks a smile.        

" Don't listen to them Hector, you are fast" Presley says with a smile.

"At least Pres here believes in me" Hector says giving Presley a smile.

"Oh please she's nice to everyone of course she's going to say that" Edwin says with a smirk. Dom just laughs at them, "Okay. Good luck, guys" Dom says turning around.

"Hey,wait. I don't have any cash. But I do have the pink slip to my car" Brian says coming up by the guys and Presley.

Jesse steps forward," You can't climb in the ring with Ali' cause you think you can box" Jesse says to Brian.

Brian steps forward and points to Vince, " He knows I can box. Check it out. It's like this. I lose the winner takes my car clean and clear. But if I win, I take the cash, and I take the respect." Brian says confidently. Presley looks over at Mia and sees the way she is looking at Brian, and gives her a smirk. Presley likes Brian for Mia and she likes that his moral is respect.

"Respect" Dom says with a small laugh.

"To some people that's more important," Brian says. Presley can tell Dom likes they say he views respect.

"This your car?" Dom asks before he walks over with Presley.

Jess lifts the hood and takes a look at the car, "I see a cool air intake. It's got a NOS fogger system and a T4 turbo, Dominic" Jesse says still looking at the car.

"Yeah. And a stand-alone fuel management system. Not a bad way to spend 10,000 dollars" Dom says.

Edwin steps forward and takes a look at the car "You see that shit? He's got enough NOS in there to blow himself up.Period".

Brian looks at Dom, " So, what do you say? Am I worthy?"he asks.

Dom looks at him"We don't know yet. But your in lets go" he replies. Everyone goes to the car and gets ready for the race.

Once Presley and Dom get to the car she looks at him, "Promise me you'll be careful" Presley says.

Dom looks at her and gives her a long kiss" I promise you Pres I will be careful, okay?" Dom says once they pull away. Presley nods and starts to walk away but he pulls her arm back and turns her around so her back is by his front.

"Here take this so you know I will always come back to you" he says while putting his cross necklace around her neck.

"I love you Dom" Presley says before walking toward Letty and Mia.

Hope you liked it!

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