Pro-Bending Game (3/1)

Start from the beginning

"I just focused on my breathing and went through the panels. That's all."

Korra slumps back on her bed "There has to be an easy way..." She groans as I walked out of her room.


"Alright! I've finished the boy's food and the rest should be done heating up within the next ten minutes." Wrapping up the food into three different containers as I open a cabinet to grab a bag. 

Pema walks into the kitchen looking at the mess I've created.

"Woah! Y/n I think you made a little too much for dinner," I carefully put the container of food into a plastic bag.

"Yeah, but at least I didn't blow up the soup again."

I reminded Pema who let out a small laugh "That's what happens when you try using fire bending to cook soup." I held up my hands in defense vividly remembering that day.

Only two years ago trying to cook dinner.

But ends up blowing up in my face. Literally. "I'm guessing you're going to go watch the pro-bending game tonight?"

I happily nod my head making my way out of the kitchen.

"Be careful! Oh! And take the ferry back home so Tenzin doesn't catch you!" Waving goodbye to Pema. Hopefully, the boys will enjoy xiaolongbao.


Walking through the pro-bending arena to find many people attending tonight's game. I open the locker room door to find the boys already putting on their gear.

"I told you, you have to stop bringing in your crazy fangirls in here especially when they're around Y/n. Get her out of here."

"Ah, come on Mako. All right, look, I kinda promised her she could stay. But man I've got a good feeling there's something special about her. I know it,"

 Bolin brings another girl...This has to be the fifteen times. The girl was leaning over the railing looking over the view of the arena. She seems oddly familiar. As I lean against the doorway

"All ready to fight?" 




Standing in disbelief that Korra left the island "Wait, you two know each other?!" Bolin kept looking back and forth.

"We live under the same roof." Korra responded to Bolin's question as I noticed a certain pair of gold eyes on me.

I turn to face mako while holding the bag up "I'm guessing you're trying to figure out what's in the bag?" Mako nodded his head as the bell rang.

"You'll see after the match," I playfully pushed him away.

"Oh, c'mon! I wanna know!" Mako playfully threw his arms up as the team entered the arena.

I was left alone with Korra as the room was quiet for an awkward minute.

"The rookie ferrets came from out of nowhere and made it further than anyone expected this season. But tonight, they face their toughest test yet folks. The two teams wasted no time trying to blast each other out of zone one."

Korra let out a fake cough "So, do you know Mako and Bolin?" I lean over the railing watching the game.

"I was only fifteen when I saved their butts when they were doing dirty work for shady shin."

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Where stories live. Discover now