or she thought


Timmy is a trained dog and very fluffy perfect for cuddles to singles like her.

When his master is not home, Timmy would go out and walk himself. One time when the two walked at a park, Timmy run to pond on his own as Morrigan would laugh and watch from afar when someone tries to kidnapped and own Timmy so he bit him and run back to Morrigan. Funny because after that day, Morrigan killed him as the man abuses and slaughter dogs for fun.

She took her wig off her and let her brunette hair reaching almost her waist, untangle it from the braids she did and brush it.

Just like their every night routine, she would feed Timmy and would cuddle him to sleep.

"Good night Timmy" She kissed Timmy as Timmy licked her cheek in response. "I love you with all my heart" Timmy licked her again which caused her to chuckle and nuzzle onto him.

With that darkness find it's way to her.

TW: Abuse/ Rape

"Number 126 you next"

I slowly went in the room. I've never been to the 39th room. One of the girls that share the same cell as me did enter the room but she never comeback.

"You must be 126"

A voice made me look up to see a man smirking at me eyeing me up and down. I nodded in response.

"Verbal answer Principessa"


"Y-yes" I stuttered and shivered in fear.

"Come here Principessa, I won't hurt you"

I went near him and scrunch my nose at disgust. He then grabbed me and slapped my face so hard.

Don't cry don't cry M!

"You bitch, you failed the mission and when you get punished really bad, I bet you will love this" He kneeled next to me holding me in my chin that would bruise in any minute.

He smirked as he went taking he's belt off

"No please, No, please don't" I yelled out trying to get out his hold but I got no energy as they have been starving me since 2 days ago. "Please I'm sorry I will do much better"

"Shut up bitch"

Regret, The feeling I most felt.


I wish I never run outside the orphanage. I wish I wish I just burned at the fire.

I wish I was dead.

TW: end

She jolt up, sweating and panting trying to catch her breath like she just ran a marathon. Timmy looked at her sweating master and nuzzled his head onto her chest, comforting her knowing her master had another nightmare.

She opened her phone to see its almost 6 in the morning.

"Great, just great to start my day"

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Total words: 1379

Y'all first chapter is posted I'm so happy <3

btw this is her wig. As you can see I'm a fan.

 As you can see I'm a fan

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His Beloved MorriganWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt