i wasnt home

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my birthday was over. i got to sleep with keiji, kenma, and tadashi.

i wondered where satori was, but i hated him the most, so i didn't ask.

i woke up the next morning tied to the chair again. they must've sedated me, because i'm a very light sleeper and would've woken up.

none of the boys were in the room. "keiji..?" i noticed my cd player and coloring book on the floor and i wanted desperately to play music, but my hands were tied to the chair as well.

keiji said that they were only going to tie my legs now.. not my arms.

there was no response, but satori opened the door. i was happy to see someone, even if it meant it was satori. i just wanted to choose a cd and hear it.

"hi, satori. can you untie my arms so i can grab my cd player, please?"

bang. the pieces shattered and flew everywhere.

my mouth dropped open. "why.."

he had shattered my new cd player to pieces with a bat, and was now stepping all over the cds.

"satori.. stop it.. STOP IT!!" i shouted at him, causing him to grab the coloring book and chuck it at my head, the corner of it somehow going directly into my eyeball. "ah-!! fuck!"

i kept my head down as it went silent. i was too afraid to look up and see if satori was done ruining my brand new presents. i peeked up just a bit, and there he was. standing with a knife.

the same knife keiji used to cut my cake just last night.

i was heartbroken. i knew exactly what was going to be done to me.

he turned the chair around and kneeled down, grabbing my tied up left hand. "satori.. what are you going to do to me..?"

"shut up, you disloyal bitch." was the last thing i heard before getting my ring finger cut off, the promise ring tumbling to the floor, along with my finger.

i screamed in pain, begging for him to stop, even though the process was done in just 2 minutes.

i cried and begged and screamed for keiji, for kenma, for tadashi.

for anyone.

but suddenly it was like no one was there.

i screamed until i passed out from all the blood i was losing. i screamed until i passed out from exhaustion. i screamed until i wished i would die.

keiji pov

kenma and tadashi and i got home after about an hour. kenma and tadashi didn't notice, but i thought it was rather strange that satori was so eager to get us out of the house.

it couldn't have been what deep down i thought it was, because we had all agreed to have intercourse with y/n at the same time.

tadashi unlocked the door to our house deep out in the woods. "saaatooooriiiii!!" he called, "we got what you asked for!!" he shut the door behind kenma and locked all the locks as i set the bundt cake satori wanted down on the counter.

"satori?" kenma asked as he wandered around the house before going downstairs.

i was using the bathroom when i heard kenma scream. i figured it was nothing so i just zipped up my pants and washed my hands before leaving the bathroom.

right when i stepped foot out of the bathroom i heard tadashi.

"h-holy fuck!!"

i was annoyed. what the hell were they screaming about? and where was satori?

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