The Last Adventure Part 2

Start from the beginning

Beakely: But they're-

Donald: Donald just speaks with them. Like I said, I'm Donald Duck.

May 2 and June 2 gasp in amazement.

May 2: Donald Duck! THE Donald Duck! Mage of Thunder, the 3rd most powerful Mage of all worlds and the greatest and most daring adventurer ever!

Donald: That's my name! Don't wear it out!

Della: Della rolls her eyes. Oh, brother…

June 2: Wow! It's so amazing to meet you in person! You're like a legend! We were only born recently and we've already been dying to meet you! We're really huge fans!

Donald: Aww. Why thank you. It's nice to meet you both too. You're both so cute.

June 2: Aww, thank you!

May 2: And we know you all too! She points to them one by one. You're Scrooge McDuck, Della Duck, Gladstone Gander, Fethry Duck, Daisy Duck…

June 2: June 2 fawns at Daisy's beauty. You're so beautiful! I love your bow!

Daisy: Aww thank you! Daisy bends too and pulls their cheeks. The two of you are so adorable! She double takes. Hold on! Did you say your names were May and June.

May 2 & June 2: Yup/That's us!

Daisy: But those are the names of my-

May: Hey! The Duck Girls run up to them in shock and outrage. You two can't be May and June!

May 2: Why not?

June: Her and me are May and June! Those are our names you identity thieves!

Daisy: June, be nice!

May 2 & June 2: This surprises May and June 2. Wait, what!?

June 2: You're names are May and June too!?

May 2: Wow…this is really…um…

Gladstone: Awkward.

Lena: And really freaky.

May 2: That's the word. So how do we solve this identity problem?

Fethry: May and June are your codenames, right? That's how FOWL operates?

June 2: Well, actually they usually call us Clone 1 and 2. But, yeah, those are our codenames.

Drake: Well, then why don't we name you something new.

Gizmoduck: Sounds like a good idea.

Beakely: Now wait just a-

May 2: The two girls both take Donald's hands. Can Donald be the one to rename us, please?

Donald: Me!?

Gladstone: It'd make sense. You should be the one to name them, Don.

Daisy: That's a good idea; they seem to really be fond of you, Donald.

Donald: Donald smiles to see May 2 and June 2's sweet looks. Well, okay. How about we call the both of you…Mabel and Julia?

The two ducks now named Mabel and Julia contemplate the new names given to them.

Mabel: Mabel…yeah, I really like that.

Julia: Oooh! I like Julia! It sounds much better for me.

Donald: Then that settles it, from now on your names will be Mabel and Julia.

Matilda: Those sound like wonderful names, Donald.

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