Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork

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It's been a couple days since the events with the ImpossiBin and Beakely's deadly training. Dewey is sat down watching Ottoman Empire with a bored look. He hasn't been feeling himself lately ever since his fight with Webby. Speaking of Webby, she walks into the room, not realizing that there was someone on the couch. When she saw Dewey, and vice-versa, they yelped.

Dewey: Oh, uh… hey Webby.

Webby: Uh… Hi Dewey… hehehe…

There's a long awkward silence, barring the sound from the TV. Ever since their fight a couple nights ago and their decision to take a break with their relationship things have been incredibly awkward between Dewey and Webby. Both of them are nervous around each other, they don't know the right thing to say and they've barely even spoke to each other.

Webby: Uh… w-would it be ok if… I… j-joined … you…?

Dewey: S-Sure.

Webby sits down on the other end of the couch. Another awkward silence rang out.

Webby: …So, uh…Ottoman Empire, huh?

Dewey: …Yeah. I've been watching it since morning.

Webby: It… looks good.

Dewey: Yeah…

Webby: So, uh…how've you been for the past couple days, since, you know…uh… Dewey saddens and looks away, causing Webby to look down in guilt. Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up…

Dewey: It's fine. It's fine…

The two sit in silence. Now things were even more awkward, their relationship was really in the danger level.

Donald, Della, and Beakely had seen everything and they were gravely concerned for Dewey and Webby's broken relationship. And Beakely feels profoundly guilty over it since it's all her fault.

Beakely: Oh dear…

Della: How the heck did this happen?

Donald: Take a wild guess. The both of them glare at Beakely who reels back in guilt. Way to go Mrs B. You've officially ruined a beautiful relationship.

Della: You just had to force them to fight each other, didn't you Bentina?

Beakely: I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to prepare the children for FOWL. They were a danger to the world the last time they tried to commit world larceny and they killed many of my closest friends.

Donald: But you went too far with the training Bentina. You made the kids afraid of Webby because it was so intense. It wasn't even training. Beakely looks down in guilt with each word Donald spoke. It was emotional and physical torture you put Dewey, Huey and Violet through.

Beakely: But that was never my intention. I was trying to give the children an idea of how to handle a FOWL agent.

Della: Well, guess what, we're not FOWL!

Donald: Thanks to you Huey's out of commission because his ankle is broken…

Della: And Dewey and Webby were literally trying to kill each other. Now Dewey feels guilty over hurting her and giving Webby a black eye and Webby feels guilty for almost killing her boyfriend, brother and sister. So, nice going Mrs B, hope you're proud of yourself.

Beakely: I'm not proud of myself at all. I know what I forced the children to go through was wrong. I never meant for things to go so far. I'm sorry!

Della: Sorry isn't gonna fix things between Dewey and Webby! It won't fix the relationship YOU broke! The three of them look at the normally adventurous duo in sadness. They were such a good couple, head over heels for each other. I didn't think anything could ever cause them to argue.

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