The Last Adventure Part 2

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Scenes shift to the mansion. Donald, Della, Scrooge, Daisy, Gladstone, Fethry, Darkwing, Gizmoduck, Huey, Lena, Beakely and Matilda were having a meeting together in the dining room. Drake had his mask and hat off and the rest were back in their primary outfits. April, May and June were sat on the table being bandaged up by Daisy, Huey was sat looking over information and Gyro had computers set up. The two girls that look like Webby are sat down with data suction cups on their faces and arms.

May winces in pain from the last plaster placed on her.

May: Ow!

Daisy: Hold still, April! Are you girls gonna be okay.

April: We're a bit a beat up but we'll recover.

Gladstone and Drake walks up them.

Drake: What happened back there you three?

April: We were waiting for you guys to come back with FOWL…

May: But while you were on your raids Eggheads and FOWL's main agents ambushed us. They came in without any alarm being set up. We were totally caught off-guard.

June: We didn't stand a chance. Even Sora, Riku, Kairi and Mickey got beaten. Those agents even had some Heartless help them. Everyone was captured. The three of us took a bad hit from Phantom Blot and that Falcon Graves guy. We fell in the ball pit and were hidden in there.

April: There wasn't anything we could do. We couldn't save our friends from being captured. We're sorry Aunt Daisy, everyone, we know we let you down.

Daisy: Daisy rubs their faces. Don't say that. The three of you did great to avoid getting captured. I'm just so relieved you three are okay.

Gladstone: Yeah, you three shouldn't blame yourselves. You should be proud for hanging in there and enduring it all.

Drake: That's right, you all did well to survive. You did what you could.

May: They smile a little. Thanks you guys.

Scrooge: Lasses. I need to know. Was Goldie…?

April: They look at Scrooge in sorrow. I'm sorry, Uncle Scrooge but Goldie was captured too. And so were your parents.

Scrooge saddens, prompting Matilda and Beakely to place a hand on his shoulder. The girls then look to the new girls.

June: So who are they? These two look exactly like Webby.

May: Yeah, it's freaky.

April: Though, I've got to admit, I love the yellow outfit one of them is wearing.

Lena: We have no idea. We just found these two sleeping in tubes.

Della: Della nudges Donald's shoulder. Pretty, exciting, huh? Adventure of a lifetime, right here? Seems like you'd be crazy to want to leave on that vacation now.

The new girls yank their plugs off and run over to Donald, Della and Daisy, taking an interest in the former with sweet smiles.

Yellow Webby: Hi, I'm May and this is June.

Donald: Aww! I'm Donald Duck-

Before he could say in anymore Beakely gets in between them with a stern look.

Beakely: No one give them any intel! We don't know what they are.

Donald: Donald just pushes Beakely out of the way much to her surprise. Oh, lay off Mrs B, they're just kids!

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