Fight for Castle McDuck

Start from the beginning

Violet: You know, you're annoyingly acting more and more like Llewellyn.

Webby: Webby worries to see the glaring at each other. Okay, let's not argue girls. You know what we need. BEST FRIENDS GROUP HUG!

Webby brings her sisters in for a big group hug, causing both Lena and Violet to instantly smile. Downy smiles at the scene.

Donald and Della walk up to happily share a hug with their grandpa and grandma.

Donald: It's really great to see you again Grandma, Grandpa.

Fergus: The feeling is mutual, lad.

Della: We haven't seen you two since that crazy Moonvasion.

Downy: It's always a joy when you two and Scroogie come here. Tell me, Della, have you settled back into life on Earth properly?

Della: You bet I have grandma! And I've gotten to know both of my boys, I'd say I'm on my way to being Earth's best Mom, or at least the best Mom ever in the boys' eyes.

Downy: Oh, that's wonderful to hear dear. If only your mother was here to see how you've grown and how happy you've become.

Fergus: Fergus places a hand on Donald's shoulder. Donald, I hope life hasn't been too hard for you ever since you lost your magic.

Donald: Nah, don't worry Grandpa, I'm doing just fine without my magic. I've gotten some of it back but I can live without it.

Fergus: That's good to hear. He angrily looks to Scrooge. And has Scrooge been giving you the respect you deserve? Is he still making you live in his backyard like an animal?

Donald: Scrooge rolls his eyes. No, no, really Uncle Scrooge has been giving me a lot of respect! He's been doing a great job for us.

Fergus: Scrooge smiles gratefully at his nephew. Good, let's hope that's the case Scroogie.

Scrooge: Yes, fine, whatever.

Donald and Della both take some steps back to take a look at the castle.

Donald: Castle McDuck…I haven't been here for a decade now?

Della: Me neither, it's just the same as I remember it! Oooh! I wonder if that Demon Dog is still living here.

Donald: The what?

Downy: It has been ages since you two have come to our house. Come in everyone! I'll get our traditional homecoming dinner ready.

Meanwhile, the boys are bringing in their things. Dewey drags a bag, Louie laid down by the statue on his phone and Huey brings out Finch's journal.

Huey: This is perfect! With the castle back early we can finally find this legendary artefact. He presents the pages. The Blessed Bagpipe of Clan McDuck.

Dewey: He gasps. Bless me bagpipe- Ohh! That's why he says it!

Louie: Why was Isabella Finch looking for some old McDuck junk?

Huey: According to Finch the bagpipe can bring life to that which has not.

Louie: Louie sits up in excited interest. A rare and probably expensive thingy!

Huey: Um…I guess…

Louie: I'm gonna be rich! And the best part is we've already tripped all the traps and done the whole spooky, mystical Castle McDuck thing, so this should be a breeze.

Huey: Ah, but this old castle is full of secrets and dark mysteries, a whole new adventure awa-

Louie: No! Bad nerd! Stop trying to complicate this! He jumps down. This is just us snatching something from our ancestral home… for safe-keeping because we care so much about our family history.

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