Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2

Start from the beginning

He dejectedly walks back and sits against the wall and Daisy looks at him worriedly as he looks down in sadness.

Donald: I'm just so frustrated…a lot of people in school insult me every single day because of the way my voice sounds. Few people even like me and some people pretend I don't even exist. They don't even listen to me. I thought if I were to sing on stage, then I could finally be heard out. No one in school would be able to ignore me again. That's why I needed your stage pass. I didn't want to become popular; I just wanted to stop being ignored and show the kind of person I truly am to the school. But instead I got us both trapped and I hurt you. I feel like such an idiot. I'm really sorry.

Daisy could only open her beak in shock, mortified when she sees tears streaming down Donald's face as he buries himself while hugging his knees. She feels a pang of guilt and shame wash over her, letting go of her anger and tears stream down her face. She sits down against the wall and hugs her knees as well.

Daisy: I…I had no idea…and all this time…I kept insulting you, making you feel worse about yourself, calling you names and accusing you of something selfish when I barely even know anything about. Donald stops crying and dares to look at Daisy. I SAID SO MANY HORRIBLE THINGS! YOU WERE JUST TRYING TO BE NICE AND I WAS BEING SO MEAN! I-I'M SO SORRY! I NEVER MEANT TO BE SO AWFUL!

Donald: Then why say those things in the first place?

Daisy: I truly am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm just so stressed out. The Vice principal has been driving me crazy! I worked like day and night to prepare this stupid party for and yet he completely disrespects me, doesn't notice the work I put in and takes my hardwork for granted. I can't meet these high expectations he always forces students to meet and it's been making me go bonkers.

Donald: I'm sorry to hear that.

Daisy: No, I'm sorry. That was my own stress and it wasn't right of me to take it out on you. Daisy rubs her arm and looks up in sadness. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. No one ever takes time to admire the things I do for them or the work I do. No one really listens to me that much.

Donald: Donald looks at her in sympathy as he is sat down. Nobody listens to me either. Aside from my sister, they don't understand me.

Daisy: Daisy shares his sympathetic expression as he looks down sombrely. Well, that's weird. I understand you perfectly.

Donald smiles at her gratefully and Daisy returns that smile as they feel a bond form between them.

Donald: Sorry I got us stuck here and for trying to take your stage pass.

Daisy: It's fine. And I'm sorry I was being so awful earlier. She gives Donald an apologetic expression. I guess I'm just frustrated with how I'm always disregarded. That and I have a bit of a tendency to lose my temper.

Donald: Aww…you don't need to feel ashamed of that. I have a bad habit of losing my temper too.

Daisy: Daisy becomes intrigued. Really, you do? I mean have seen you get angry a lot for the past day.

Donald: Heck, yeah. I lose my temper on a daily basis. In fact, I lose it so much that my sister nicknamed me Angry Bird.

Daisy: Angry Bird!? That's such a funny name! And I had no idea we had something in common!

Donald and Daisy both burst into laughter over discovering a hilarious trait they have in common before stopping and giving each other warm smiling stares.

Donald: Donald puts a hand to his chest. I'm Donald. Donald Duck.

Daisy: I'm Daisy Duck. It's nice to meet you Donald.

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