The True First Adventure

Start from the beginning

Beakely: So then, what are your plans for today children?

Della: We were hoping to ask Uncle Scrooge if he could take us on another expedition with him. We haven't gone on one since that stuff in El Dorado.

Donald: Do you know where he is Mrs B?

Beakely: He's at the Bin attending important meetings. Duckworth left with him 30 minutes ago.

This makes the twins miffed, their uncle promised to make the great adventurers but for two weeks he's been way too busy with meetings and hasn't made much time for them.

Della: Seriously, it's been two weeks now and he still hasn't taken us on another adventure.

Donald: How could be an awesome adventurer and at the same time such a grouchy, lousy uncle.

Beakely: Try to understand, your uncle is a very busy man with a tight schedule. I'm sure McDuck would make time for you if he could. Though, when you're as rich as him there's little point in going on adventures.

Della: What do you mean?

Beakely: Scrooge's main interest in adventure is all about the treasure and building up his wealth. Unless he has major costs and bills he must pay off he sees little point in going on any expeditions.

Della: That's a total rip off!

Donald: He really needs to understand there's more to life than just money.

Beakely: Beakely gets up. Well, I'd better go get to work. SHUSH can't direct itself?

Della: Donald and Della are excited. Oooh! SHUSH! You mean that secret agent organization!?

Beakely: The very same. I assume Scrooge told you about it.

Donald: He sure did. He also told us you're like it's leader, Mrs Agent 22.

Beakely: Not to brag, but it's true. I am indeed the director of SHUSH ever since your Uncle Ludwig Von Drake retired.

Della: Della and Donald run up in excitement. Can we go with you! We're really bored!

Donald: Yeah! We want some action!

Beakely: Absolutely not! SHUSH does not go on adventures. We go on missions that could very cost you your lives.

Della: Oooh! Sounds fun!

Beakely: Perhaps for SHUSH agents but not children. She smiles. I can however arrange for you to be in the Bin with your uncle so you may spend time with him.

Donald and Della look to each other smiling.

Donald: I'll go get my guitar.

Scrooge is at the Money Bin with Duckworth wearing his earlier adventuring/SHUSH attire. He walks inside in a bad mood as he grouchily spoke through two phones and Duckworth had opened the door for him before following with a clipboard in hand.

Scrooge: I expect that report on my desk by day's end. Time is money and I have not enough of either, Duckworth, my rundown. He hides the phones in his hat.

Duckworth: You have your daily swim and money count, then a brief trip to Mystical Tra-la-la to visit their bottle cap plants, after that a meet and greet with the vampire dignitaries and a routine security check on Falcon Island.

Scrooge: Hmm. Light schedule today.

They go inside and up the elevator.

Duckworth: Oh, and Director 22 dropped by and left you something?

Ducktales Season 3 RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now