"How bad is sheh" alex asked
"She really misses you it's not her fault she's been throwing huge tantrums won't sleep at night and claimed my bed she cries for you all the time sometimes I have to pick her up from school early because she's been to upset" I informed him hearing him hum with a sigh

"Fookin hell I wish I could joost come home and help yeh"
"It's alright alex we're fine though the boys and kaites been helping me and zoe and Amy come over sometimes for a playdate that cheers rhiannon up" I said

"Well that's good then it's great tha' shehs got a friend over to plaeh wif" I could hear alex smile through the phone he's always happy to see rhiannon socialise with other kids

"Yeah it is oh I didn't tell you its a bit pointless but zoe stays just up the street from us she told me a few weeks ago It's a bit random for me to say but yeah what do you know" I giggled at my pointless piece of information

"I'm surprised weh didn't see her in the street when weh moved in" alex chuckled
After about ten minutes of chatting alex asked me about my song writing
"Yeh got anyfing new babe"

"A few sentences but I don't want to write a full album again because then I'll need to tour and then rhiannon would need to stay off school so I'm thinking of doing a single or two" I mumbled I do want to write an album but its rhiannon with her education I can't keep her off

"And zoes been helping me with some pieces she's really talented she plays the bass and a bit of drums" I informed remembering when I went to zoes house and saw a bass guitar and a drum set and she showed me her skills she really talented with songwriting aswell

"Yeh never kno' yeh two could beh in a band together" alex said
"Well we did speak about it a few times but it's with the girls and school" I sighed

"How about yeh keep writing see wha' yeh come up wif then record some bits and bobs and if yeh do decide to make music together by the time yeh record I'll beh done wif tour by then so we'll sort summat out for rhiannon"

"Okay I'll do that anyway speaking of music how's tour" I asked
"Great brilliant miles is enjoying it aswell weh did some interviews and photoshoots the usual" he said I replied with a "that sound good"

"How was yer photoshoot" he asked
"What one" i replied Yeah I did a few more for magazines and clothing lines

"Well I remember yeh told meh about a good few so the one yeh did the other day" he said

"Good it was a bit out of my comfort zone but apart from that it was good" I chuckled
"wha' kind of shoot was it" Alex asked
"And underwear one for a lingerie line they even let me keep the pieces from the line" I said with a nervous chuckle

"Well when I'm home yeh need teh show meh them" I knew he had a huge smirk on his face as he spoke it was obvious
"Dream on" I teased

"Anyway I'm going to get washed when does the show start" I asked
"In 5 minutes so I'll let yeh get back teh yer baff and ill phone yeh tomorrow when i get up" he said

"Okay I love you" I smiled
" I luv yeh much more than yeh can imagine" he said
After about a couple of minutes of us repeatedly saying I love you to each other miles took Alex's phone to hang up because the show started

I quickly washed my hair and body feeling my eyes grow heavy I didn't realise I was in the bath for nearly two hours
I got out the bath wrapping myself in a towel then slightly drying my wet hair with another towel making my way to my bedroom

"What a day" I sighed to myself fishing out a pair of pyjamas from my drawer
Shoving them on then placed the towels into the washing bin

I tied my hair up in a bun decided to dry it later
I went to tidy the house a bit just putting some toys anyway in rhiannons room and the living room

After I tidied the house a bit for the now I settled on watching tv in the bedroom with sweets and some wine what more could you ask for

I was in the mood for a Halloween movie since Halloween was only a week anyway so I putted on beetlejuice
One of my favourite movies

Half way through a bottle of wine into the movie my phone started to ring again
With a sigh I picked it up not bothered to look at the contact

(Lucy) (zoe)

"Hello" I mumbled my eyes fixed on the taxi
"It's me Lucy" zoes voice softly spoke through the phone
"Hey zoe whats up" I asked
"Nothing much just wanted to asked what you doing" her London voice spoke

"Just watching tv rhiannon is staying with kaite and Jamie for the weekend is everything alright" I asked
"Yeah everything's fantaby dosy Amy's away to a caravan with my mum and dad for the week so I was going to see if your free to have a girls night just me and you" she said

"Yeah that's brilliant do you want to come to mine then" I beamed excitedly
"I'll be 5 minutes" she squealed hanging up

I got out of bed and ran to the kitchen preparing snacks and alcoholic beverages for us

And within 5 minutes like zoe said there was a knock of the door
I ran to the door and swung it open

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя