24. One Night Only

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"Do you think this will change things? Do you think mamma will finally accept him?" Camilla asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

Flora gave her sister-in-law a sad smile. The young Queen knew better than anyone, it was not easy to change the Queen Mother's mind. It took Flora becoming pregnant for Rebecca to finally accept her into the family. The brunette knew, it would take something big for Dylan to be forgiven.

It also did not help that Hayden was still mad about his lies.

"I should talk to him right?" Camilla asked. "I should tell him why I agreed to marry Lord Guido."

"Camilla—" Flora did not know how to put out the hopefully spark in the princess' eyes. "Your mother has arranged for the Du—Prince, and his family to stay on the far south wing. She doesn't want any interactions between the two of you during his visit."

       Camilla's blood began to boil upon hearing the news. Of course, her mother had gone to such lengths.

       "Why won't she let me marry him? He's a prince now for God's sake!" Camilla paced around the room trying to find a solution. She then turned to Flora with a pleading look. "Help me see him, Flora. Just one time. I just need to see him once more before the wedding."

       "Camilla, I-I can't," Flora replied. The Queen had her hands tied. If she helped Camilla, she would never hear the end of it from Rebecca. However, if she didn't, Camilla would miss up on the last chance to see the love of her life one last time. "Okay. I will arrange for some guards to sneak Dylan into your chambers."

        Camilla shook her head. "My mother always sends one of her lapdogs to check up on me every hour at night. Have them take him to the library."

"The library?" Flora asked confused.

Camilla nodded with a wide grin. No one would find them in their special hiding place, not even her mother.

"Your royal highness, Lord Guido is here to see you." The maid announced and Camilla grimaced.

"I'll have your package there by eight o'clock," Flora whispered to Camilla as Miguel stepped inside.

       "Your majesty," Miguel bowed his head at Flora as she walked by and out the door. Miguel scoffed as soon as Flora was gone. "I have to say, your sister-in-law thinks too highly of herself."

       Camilla rolled her eyes. "She does not need to greet you if she doesn't want to."

       "But we are to be family soon," Miguel argued as he walked over to his fiancé. He leaned down to kiss her, but Camilla turned the other way. "My love, must I keep refraining myself? Am I not allowed even one kiss?"

       "You can wait until the wedding night," Camilla replied.

       "It's because of that asshole isn't it?" Miguel asked through gritted teeth.

       Camilla could not believe what she ever saw in Miguel. He was arrogant and entitled. Like most people in her life, he only saw Camilla's exterior. Not once did he stop to ask if she was okay with this wedding. All he did was complain about Dylan.

       "Did it ever occur to you that I did not wish to marry you out of will?" Camilla raised an eyebrow. "I only agreed to this engagement out of duty, but my heart will forever belong to another."

       Miguel's eyes filled with rage, but he calmed himself. He would only have to put up with Camilla long enough to get the crown.

       "You heart me, love. I thought we had something special," Miguel said feigning a hurt expression. However, Camilla could look past it. "It is too late now though. Everyone is expecting us to get married tomorrow morning. If I could, really I would let you be with the man you love, but both our reputations are on the line here."

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