BP High #3: 1st Confession

Start from the beginning

"You like her?" asks Jennie. She knows that Nayeon is the senior's best friend among her clique. She has seen the other senior cling onto her favourite unnie on several occasions. It did not feel good whenever she sees Nayeon with Jisoo.

Jisoo thinks that it is rather amusing and laughs. She clarifies, "no, she is my best friend. Besides, who says that it is a must to bring a significant other to prom? Besides, I am still single."

Jennie knows that Jisoo is single but why hasn't the older look at her in another way.

"Unnie, you do know that I am free on that day right?" Jennie tries to give the other a hint and fortunately for her Jisoo catches the hint (or maybe not).

"Do you want me to ask you out?"

"Just saying that I am available."


Jennie sighs at how oblivious the older is and turns to her side, taking out her phone to watch her favourite shows.


Jisoo looks at her phone to find a text from the younger.

From: Jennie

All the best for CSAT!

She gives a quick reply, slightly puzzled as to why the younger is awake so early when it is a holiday for the underclassman.

To: Jennie

Thanks! You are awake already at 6.30 am?

From Jennie:

busy with something

To: Jennie

what is keeping the princess busy?

From: Jennie

You will find out soon

To: Jennie


The older smiles and puts her phone down before continuing with her morning routine. She can't wait for the CSAT. The day that has been preparing for has finally come. Not that she is really confident but she is sufficiently prepared for it. She continues to prepare for the day and heads off to school at 7am.


"Kim Jisoo!"

Jisoo hears someone calling out for her and it sounds really familiar and she can pinpoint exactly whose booming voice it belongs to. She thinks that she is imagining things because only seniors need to report to school today. The underclassmen are having home-based learning to facilitate a conducive environment for the CSAT.

"Kim Jisoo!"

"Jisoo, someone is calling you. Don't you want to stop?" asks Nayeon, as she stops the slightly older one on the arm while Hwasa and Wheein are walking ahead, talking about what they are going to do after the test.

"You heard it too?" Jisoo asks Nayeon. So, she isn't hearing things.

"Yea, it is obvious that someone is calling out for you. I don't think there is another Kim Jisoo in our batch." Nayeon replies.

Jisoo turns around to find a certain someone running towards her and soon, the other is leaning over, grabbing her shoulder while catching her breath. Nayeon waves to the junior and excuses herself after telling Jisoo that she will wait for her by the stairs to the exam hall.

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