Say Ok

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It's only half past 5 p.m. She keep wandering back and forth in the living room. Jennie stares at the tree outside her house by the roadside.

'She likes trees.' thought Jennie. A little smile adorn her face.

Her mind took her back to three weeks ago. Three weeks. It's been three weeks since she started to frequent a bar that she discovered accidentally when she was on her way back home from her friend's baby shower.

'30 minutes if i walk there, 10 minutes by a car if there's no traffic, and probably less than 10 minute by motorcycle if the rider can be reckless but safe at the same time. Hurm....' she sighed for the nth time as she estimated how long it will take, for her to go to iAM. It's a jazz bar, which hid in between a pizzeria and a flower shop. Weird combination, and people wouldn't notice it at daylight if not for the led sign.

She sigh again as she sat on the leather couch that is definitely not comfortable as her friend Lisa said. But she can't let her friend win over her when it comes to an argument. Therefore she bought it despite her friend's argument in which she actually agree.

She looks at her wrist watch again. 'Almost 6 O'Clock. Damn it I'm nervous.' her anxiety kick in and she can't stop clenching her fist.

Well there is a reason why Jennie Kim is nervous and anxious. One, ever since she discovered iAM. For the first time ever she found out that she's a blubbering mess in front of her crush. Yes Jennie Kim has a crush. On a bartender at iAM. For the past three weeks she frequent the bar and never get past a 'hello' and placing her order phase. The bartender's brilliant smile makes Jennie Kim tongue tied. However she has a very thin ears. And she's been eavesdropping the said bartender's conversation with her colleague or other customers. It makes Jennie seems like a creep, but through her eavesdropping, she found out the barista's name is Jisoo. Apparently she's looking for a job that suits her degree. She major in fine arts. And yeah, she's a tree lover. It's weird but Jennie find it cute.

After contemplating whether she should call a cab or not Jennie had enough of her own anxiety and decided to just walk it off. Not before she throw on her long jacket and slid on her red pumps.

'Keep the change sir. Have a good day.' greet Jennie as she close the door for the cab that took her to iAM. Okay she actually did walked for a few minutes before she realized that she will hurt her feet if she continue walking to iAM. Midway there she decided to flag down a cab. But that little walk did reduce her nervousness a little bit. Until she standing in front of the said bar.

She stared at the led sign one last time before she gather all her strength to get into the bar and tried to talk to Jisoo.

'Okay. This is it. Let's talk to her. Ask for her name. Let's start with that.' hoping it's the last pep talk for the day. She marched toward the bar counter. Thank God she came early and there's still seats left at the counter. As she nearing the counter she took a deep breath. Jennie slowly slid on the bar stool.

Jisoo was attending a man who seems to be in his mid forty. He was crying. And Jisoo was giving a friendly pat on his shoulder as she slid a drink for him.

'That man better not take advantage of Jisoo's kindness' thought Jennie. She envy that man. She kept staring at the said man with numerous thoughts. Not knowing her bartender was amused by the latter's staring contest with the unknown as she went to Jennie's way.

'My uncle is a man with lots of tears.' startled by a sudden voice, Jennie look in front of her and there she is. Her crush. The bartender. Jisoo. Well she have no idea her last name. Yet.

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