Moonvasion Infinity War Part 14

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Back with Scrooge, the area of castle McDuck is covered in rubbles, broken art, furniture, trees, bricks and all sorts of object. The clouds are greyer under the permanent night sky as Lunaris looked around to see Launchpad, Beakely, Manny Darkwing, Gizmoduck (with Officer Cabrera in his arms and his face exposed), Goldie, Xion, Namine, Lea and Isa scattered and unconscious. All are injured, tattered and badly bruised. Lunaris grins evilly.

Lunaris: You fools never stood a chance against me from the very beginning. My plan is flawless, I've prepared for every eventuality.

Lunaris looks on ahead and floating distances away from hit at the centre of where the castle stood is the Soul Stone releasing a brilliant glow

Lunaris: At last. The Soul Stone. After this is the Reality Stone and then… ultimate power shall be mine.

Lunaris steps forward only for Roxas (bruised and tattered) to jump down distances away with Oathkeeper and Oblivion in hands as he gave a deadly glare.

Roxas: Not on my watch!

Lunaris: Roxas.

Roxas: You know me, huh?

Lunaris: Indeed. I've done plenty of research on you and your friends, especially the boy known as Sora. How does it feel to be his shadow?

Roxas: As a matter of fact I didn't mind. And another thing…I'm no one's shadow anymore.

Roxas and Lunaris leap towards each other and dual. Roxas launches a barrage of slash attacks which Lunaris meets by swinging his Double-edged Sword. Roxas' blades become coated and lengthen in light as he struck Lunaris viciously. Eventually the warriors get in a blade lock.

Lunaris: You cannot defeat me!

Roxas: I'm not done trying yet monster! I will stop you!

Roxas kicks off of Lunaris and lands on a pile of rubble. Lunaris lifts rocks with the Space Stone and throws them forward but Roxas summons pillars of light, vaporising the rocks and sending them at Lunaris. He uses the Time Stone to slow time and seemingly teleport in front of the attack before firing two Power Stone beams. Roxas dodges the first one and crosses his blades to block the second.

Roxas slices the beam, his dual Keyblade glow with energy and he fires his Dual Shot. Lunaris shatters the shot of Light & Darkness with a Power Punch before capturing the remains with the Space Stone, enlarging and combining them with the Mind Stone and throwing them forward. Thinking fast, Roxas crosses his Keyblade and slashes to unleash an energy cyclone that neutralizes Lunaris' attack. He then floats in the air, his Keyblades spinning by his side as he unleashes orbs of dark and light energy. They surround Lunaris before completely engulfing him. However, the tyrant proved to powerful using all four stones to blow them away and knocks Roxas off balance.

Lunaris reels him in with the Space Stone and grabs his neck. He held Roxas up and was chocking the life out of him. Sora's Nobody struggled in vain to escape as Oathkeeper and Oblivion clatter on the ground and disappear.

Lunaris: You're full of tricks human. I've misjudged you. You have my respect Roxas. You fought courageously like a warrior and so I shall give you a warrior's death.

Lunaris tosses Roxas and he smashes into the rubble pile with a shout, dropping on his face. The Moon Tyrant prepares to finish him off but Lea attempts a sneak attack from behind only for Lunaris to turn and effortlessly catch his keyblade.

Lea: He's not gonna be dying on my watch.

Lunaris: A rogue pawn like you should learn your place…Lea.

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